port101 by Extreme Command
... port 1o1 ... þ -------- --- ----- -- - cliffhanger .asm þ[code megaman .s3m þ[music multicore .pcx þ[gfx thacp .pcx þ[gfx þ - -- ---- -- - - - ------ -- - - took us about 30 mins & some doope to complete this beauty. þ -- -- -- -- -- - -- - - requires.....: [ pentium . gus for sound . no gus for nosound . 2mb ram . [ 64k hd space . *hint* *hint* recommended..: [ p333/32mb/gus or that ure high on doope . þ - -- -- - ------- -- - - .mp4 player by johnny forrest, loadah' by commander devastator. þ - -- -- - ------- -- - - -- - marijuana > khrome, plf, starlight, rotterlight, syntax terror, rtc and pussy > tpcf, *ndut, hostile bitches, niggers inc, drug dealers to... > and all other illegal syndicates. þ - -- - -- - - --- ----------
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