
hawk by The Dream Team [web] & Skid Row [web]

   <>/<>/<>/<>/<>/<>/<>/<> THE DREAM TEAM & SKID ROW  <>\<>\<>\<>\<>\<>\<>\<>

                               P R E S E N T S

                          HAWK FROM LORICIELS FRANCE
    ³ Cracker           -> -                                              ³
    ³ Game Supplied by  -> Dr Pepsi                                       ³
    ³ Protection        -> -                                              ³
    ³ Display Screen    -> VGA 256 Colors 3-d Vector Graphics             ³
    ³ Sound Boards      -> Speaker/Adlib?                                 ³ 
    ³ Game Overall      -> 65%                                            ³
Game Notes: A really nice Helicopter game which should come out soon in the
            shops, thats what one of the programmers said to us...
            The problem is that the keys may change if you are using mouse
            or have your mouse driver installed.
            Anyway, here comes the keys WITHOUT mose installed:

            To Get in the Air : 1,2,3,4,5
            Left/Right        : Z , X
            Forward/Back      : O , K

            Shoot Missile 1/2 : F3/F4

            Turn Raio On/Off  : F1

            Turn Info On/Off  : F2

            Back from holiday, ahh,marocko is very cool at this time of
            the year, now we are back in business!

            COURIERS and DIST SITES are welcome to apply at Motherboard One!

Greetings :  USA/FLT - Mike Ditka footbal was nice
             THG - Strike 2 was very cool
             INC - ZzzzZZzzZzzzz...?
             TRSI - Hmm...

                      For The LATEST Warez Write To
                               P.O BOX 2416
                            THE UNITED KINGDOM
                    For The Latest Video Movies Write To:
                               THE DREAM TEAM 
                            POSTE RESTANTE 8450 
                               D E N M A R K

                      The Dream Team & Skid Row Members
          Hard Core,FFC,ActionMan,Slayer,Con Artist,Norrin Radd,
                         Dr Pepsi,Cum Spreader,Bandit
                                and all sysops

      ³               The Dream Team/Skid Row   [ OUTSIDE US ]           ³
      ³ Hard City        ³ +46-PRI-VATE    ³ Hard Core      ³ Sweden     ³
      ³ Turk 51 Zone     ³ +31-104-296515  ³ TDB            ³ Holland    ³
      ³ NetWork          ³ +31-2550-31623  ³ Papillon       ³ Holland    ³
      ³ Bloom County     ³ +46-300-40258   ³ Opus           ³ Sweden     ³
      ³ P.M.C.           ³ 358-185-279-18  ³ Snake Man      ³ Finland    ³
      ³ Orange Juice     ³ +61-3571-1627   ³ Yip Yip        ³ Australia  ³
      ³ TWINS            ³ 514-723-1712    ³ Spread         ³ Canada     ³
      ³ WareHouse        ³ +358-625-806    ³ Disco          ³ Finland    ³
      ³                  The Dream Team/Skid Row  [ US ]                 ³   
      ³ Motherboard One  ³  714-971-0172   ³ Touch Tone     ³ California ³
      ³ Pirates Ship     ³  515-277-1906   ³ Skeleton       ³ Iowa       ³
      ³ Orions Belt      ³  718-966-5930   ³ Pluto          ³ New York   ³
      ³ Street Spydrs    ³  713-496-7492   ³ Maverick       ³ Texas      ³
      ³ Dude Man Dude Hq ³  313-420-4624   ³ Bad Dog        ³ Michigan   ³
      ³ Digital Revolt   ³  714-962-8254   ³ Dr Video       ³ California ³