The Blue Man by NoID
The Blue Man by Preacher of NoID and Static ------------------------------------------- This intro was coded for the assembly2k 4kb intro compo. I know, it lacks design and cool stuff, but I wanted to make something at least a bit different.. it was coded in about three days, which is the reason it looks so unfinished. Some of the code is quite old, so no state-of-the-art effects here :) Technical information --------------------- 100% realmode asm code in good old mode 13h Needs some memory, works fine with my 545kb Coded in w95 dos box, so should work there. Tested also on Linux dosemu without problems Unfortunately there's no music in this intro, I just couldn't make myself code a player. Next time it will be better :) I used UPX to pack this thing, you can find it at I could put some more stuff in but I don't really feel like it anymore, so I'm submitting this version RodeX said, that it looks like his year 95 code... and I have to agree. But hey, I didn't say it was good :) Greetings & stuff ----------------- Everyone here at Asm2k, even though most of them are playing some stupid games. I'm sitting right here in the scene area and just behind us there are some lamers playing counterstrike.. well, I guess I won't be here next year then :) Anyway, special hellos to everyone who still likes 4k intros and/or codes them, and everyone who is even remotely interested in scene here.. Contact ------- Want to say something? mail me at Want to say the picture is cool? mail Staros at Web sites: NoID: Static: Have fun with this. I did :P Oh yeah, and remember: If you distribute it any way, please do so, but tell me before doing so. And you can't charge money for it (yeah right like anyone would pay :)). Preacher at Asm2k the Game Fest, signing off..
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