My First 4K Intro by Fulcrum [web]
.:- - - - -:. .: FULCRUM :. : _____.:\|\_________/|/:.____ : _ ._ _ _._:_\ ___ ' '___ /_:_._ _ _. _ ... . .....\| \\:. . . :: . . :// |/..... . ... . \ | \: :.. . . ..: :/ | / _/|___ _/|____ _/|__ ' _/|____ _/|____ ' _/|____ _/|_____ _ __\_ ._/__\ \ /____\ / _\ ___/___\ __ /___\ \ /_____\_. /____ _ \ ` __/ ` \' \ ` \ ___\ ` \ \ |/ \ ` \' \ ` . ' . \ _\ \ \ |\ \_ |\ \ |\ \_ '. \_ |\ \_ |\ \ \_ /__ \ /______ /____ /__ /___\ /_____ /___\ \___/ \ __\fulcrum\ ___\| \ ___\ \ ______\ \ ___\|sim1\ ___\2o14\ ____\ _ \|:::::::::::\| ': \| ' \| ' \| :: \|::::::::\| ' ' ::::.:.: ' ' ' :.:.:::: ' : .p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s. . : : . . . ..:::::: My First 4K Intro . :::::::. . .. . .........: ----------------- :.......... . .. ' : : . ' ...................: :.../_ /_............ / / .Credits. --------- Code: Seven Music: Coplan tools used: Crinkler, Clinkster, custom tools .Requirements. -------------- * ANy modern Nvidia/AMD card should run this just fine. * 200 MB ram (for the Crinkler decompression) * Tested on Windows 7 and 10, might even run on Windows XP * 4 kb diskspace .Thank You ---------- - Kaatje and the kids for giving me time to work on this release - Blueberry and Mentor for Crinkler and Clinkster - Coplan for emergency music .About the intro. ----------------- I was planning to make another Christmas-themed 4K, but Having made those for 4 years, I suffered from a lack of inspiration. Add a broken harddrive resulting in lots of unexpected boring computer work, and I didn't had much motivation to make a serious intro. Hence this little joke-production, with a collection of zany ideas I've had over the years. Don't take it too seriously :) . . .:._\ _\.............................:.. : \ \ : :: ' \ Fulcrum memberstatus: :: : ------------------------ : :. seven.....................code .: : : : : : : : the.watcher.........code,music : : : : : : kneebiter.................code : . :: :: / . ....................::......... . . . . . ..........::...../_ /_....... : : / / .: . .........: visit us at : :..../..... . :. .: --------------- :. ' ' ''::::::: . . :::::::' ' . : . . . : _/|__: _/|___ _/|_____ _/|_:_ _\ _ \_ __\_ ._/__ __\_. /______\.__ /__ - _ \ |\ \\ ` .____/_\ . ' . \ ` \| \ - _ _ - _\ |_\ \\_ \| \\ |\ \ \_ ' \_ _ /____ /_ ' /____\ \___/____ / demo\ ____\ \ ______\sim:1\ ____\tlp.ttn\ __\ \| ::\| \| :: .wt\| ' .::.':. DEMO .: .::. ' / - - - - - -\ ascii:..sim1/theloop,.titan, - - - : use AMIGA TOPAZ fonts, please : -
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