Pulttio by Brainlez Coders!
Information file for "pulttio" - demonstration. a FAST demonstration. (C) Copyright 1997 Brainlez Coders! Copyright / disklaimer. ----------------------- This demonstration is (c) Copyright Brainlez Coders! All media are for the use of public. Unauthorized selling or commercial distribution, commericial use or publication without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. (I mean orgs like HUB, ACE, etc.. THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL AND MAY NOT BE USED IN ANY COMMERCIAL BUSINESS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ISMO SAARELAINEN, THE AUTHOR! *See "contacting") You may freely distribute and copy this production provided that no fee is charged and the distribtion archive(s) of this production contains unmodified copies of the original files as produced by us. No part of this production may be modified, altered, reverse engineered, sold, or distributed in any form whatsoever which would involve some sort of trade without prior written permission from the author. This production is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind or fitness for a particular purpose, either expressed or implied, all of are hereby explicitly disclaimed. We won't guarantee any single thing. This production isn't made to cause any damage to you, your computer or to anyone. However, due we aren't professionals and we don't have many BETA-TEST sessions, there may be some bugs which may cause damage. _______________________________________________ You are using this production at your own risk. Anyway, the computers used in test were something like these (and worked 100%): AMD-K5/133Mhz + Gravis UltraSound /MAX 1024kb + S3 Trio64 2mb + 16mb ram (0.6mb conv/8.2mb xms) + seagate levy. - kovalevy. iNformation ----------- Hm. there isn't much to tell you. This thing was made in approx. four (4) hours including music, et cetera. It was made just to celebrate kampelas (humanoids) 19year birthday and our official PULTTI'97 party, held @ humanoids' megalomanic apartment 20th/feb/97. Released 20th/fb/1997, happy birthday Humanoid! * Programming 98% in turbo pascal 7.0 * Adrenalin moduleplayer version 0.96 used for "perfect" playback * Music made with st3 * Graphics are veistetty from several porno pictures and finally made in deluxe paint 2e * No tunnels :) .Requires: .Recommented: ---------Å----------------Å-------------------------------------- cpu | 80386 compatib | P120 fpu | none | <won't do an effect> monitor | vga | vga (only mode13h used) soundcrd | gus/sb/none | gus w/ atleast 512kb vgacard | vga | fast pci card computer | pc | super-pc o-system : dos | dos (no windows on the back PLEASE!) . : . contacting ---------- e-mail: sliveri@freenet.hut.fi <not a typo over there> sliver@icez.nullnet.fi www: http://www.compart.fi/~zen <netscape 2+ req> snailmail: bc! <membername if necessary> c54a5 00190 helsinki finland bbs: the tombstone (whq - 24h) +35893401608 the temple (memberboard - 24h) +3589653580 +35896223495 + check BC!_INFO. file for all our sites . .. If you want to join our party eternal posse, get our applyform and email/upload/something to sliver/bc! . bc! is not what it seems to be.
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