Captain Longbow's recursive sexship by Desire [web] & Alcatraz [web]
d@MP*W#, ,meg= ,d$#M* ,A#P,A@ ,d@P ,meg=_ .NP^ Y#k x@K J@P q@k QM^ QW@#^*" x@K J@P J#K #$P MWad#P' Y@b, j@p j#p" MWad@P' ,#$[ _d@T J@K' _,wn, J@" d$W dM* J@K' _, G@#&#&@^" *#badP' "W#@%P J#W'J&P [hf7] *#badP' p r e s e n t s "Captain Longbow's recursive sexship" a PC 4k Intro by DESiRE & ALCATRAZ for DEADLINE 2017 code: evvvvil music: Virgill g r e e t i n g s Dascon, UNC, Quite, IQ, LJ, Alcatraz, Fairlight CNDC, Poo-brain, Conspiracy, ASD, Smash, RamonB5 Cupe, Hellmood, Prismbeings, Collapse, Farbrausch Still, Ronny, Triace, Gopher, RGBA, Pixtur, Peisik, Mercury, Slimey
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