

 PalmOS(R) Demo Coding Competition 2002                   Submission

 Submitted by:      Daniel Morais
 =============      daniel@kickoo.com             [public on request]

 Archive Contents:  palmos-plasma!.prc

 Development:       - PRC-Tools 2.1 / PilRC 2.9p5 (linux)
 ============       - C and m68k (99%) assembler programming

 Description:       Classic Plasma effect in 256 bytes.
                    Generic version for any color PalmOS unit.

 Contest Category:  Analysis of program shows m505 optimized version
 =================  can run solely with "code0001.bin" resource that
                    is 256 bytes [after header deduction].
                    ==> 256 byte submission.
 Notes:             - none.

                                                         Jul 6, 2002