Rock joka tiesi... liikaa! by Fit [web]
ROCK JOKA TIESI... LIIKAA! -------------------------- Probably the first ever published Finnish comic that was created using a computer (VIC-20). First came out in the Sarjari magazine issue 9/1983. The authors were Reima Mäkinen and Riitta Uusitalo, both of whom are still active in the Finnish comic scene. Now, 33 years after it first saw daylight, it is time for Rock to return home to the VIC-20 in an interactive form. Without further ado, plug in your 16k memory expansion and run the accompanying PRG file. Use cursor keys to scroll around. Marq - main programming Dr. TerrorZ - graphics retroconversion Yzi - music Thanks to Viznut for his tips on VIC-20 programming! Tools used: PETSCII, cc65, Fisichella, Make, Subversion, VICE, Exomizer. A bit lazy pure C code, but it got the job done :) Approximate translations ------------------------ 1st strip: - ROCK who knew... too much! - I'm Rock, 21 years. A goat. Goat is a ruminant and has hooves like cows (yuck)* and sheep (yuck). Its character is however more comparable to dog (yuck) than cow (yuck) or sheep (yuck). 2nd strip: - (Italian) Presenting the photos that have been selected from thousands sent to the contest! - Oral mucosa gets dry > feeling of thirst. 3rd strip: - A landscape. This composition was chosen because of the naturalness of the theme. Keep your wrist relaxed when painting trees. 4th strip: - Gait is a natural way of moving for a horse. Whizz! * ruminates
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