
10 bytes - 10 byte intro by Breeze [web]

;  10 bytes - 10 byte intro  ;
;  Author: Vuk/Breeze
;  (or Gomba, I am both :)
;  Released at: QBPARTY 2016
;  Compo: 256 byte intro
;  This is the source file.
;  Binary is 10 bytes long
;  hence the name.
;  Greetings:
;  Every demoscener, including
;  passivists ;)
;  Contact me:
;  vuk at nospam cs dot elte hu
;  Compile it:
;  nasm -o 10bytes.com file_id.diz
;  Some details:
;  -u100,109
;  x:0100 0413   ADD  AL,13
;  x:0102 CD10   INT  10
;  x:0104 E2FB   LOOP 0101
;  x:0106 B40C   MOV  AH,0C
;  x:0108 EBF6   JMP  0100
;  -u101,109
;  x:0101 13CD   ADC  CX,BP
;  x:0103 10E2   ADC  DL,AH
;  x:0105 FB     STI
;  x:0106 B40C   MOV  AH,0C
;  x:0108 EBF6   JMP  0100
;  As you can see, multibyte
;  statements were reused via loop.
;  The first invocation of INT 10h
;  is VGA 320x200x8bpp modesetter,
;  the others are CX:DX putpixel
;  (with AL colour index from
;  default palette)
;  Fucking do NOT run under qemu!
;  Virtualbox and pce-ibmpc worked
;  with msdos6.22, drdos and freedos
;  guest oses. Also dosbox is okay.
;  Exit key: reset switch.
org 100h
add     al,13h
int     10h
loop    _start+1
mov     ah,0ch
jmp     _start