
Fade1k03 by Busysoft

  Party: JHcon 2015
   Date: 11-13.12.2015
  Scene: ZX Spectrum
  Compo: 1k intro
   Work: Fade 1kB in monochrome multicolor
    Req: ZX Spectrum 128/+2/+2A/+3
    Who: Graphics: Busy, Music: Noro
  Email: busy@napri.sk noro@napri.sk

Greetings for all JHcon 2015 visitors !!!

This is the first monochrome multicolor intro (maybe ever).
It runs in virtual resolution 128x128 pixels, 9 shades of grey.

You can see 32 textures in size 32x32 for sprites
and the same textures but size 128x128 for background.

There is a very simple 30 seconds AY 50Hz background link.
Music routine takes 77 bytes and data 16 bytes.

On BSDOS, code of the selected intro is runable by NEW.

                                Busy and Noro.