
A Chaos Construction by Introspec

         Party:   Chaos Constructions 2015
         Compo:	  ZX Spectrum 1K Intro
        Handle:   introspec
    Full title:   A Chaos Construction
  Requirements:   ZX Spectrum (48K and higher)
      Duration:   1:00
         Email:   zxintrospec@gmail.com

         Notes:   As far as compofillers go,
                  this may be not the worst one
                  out there. I hope not.

                  Many thanks to nq^skrju for
                  composing the crazy power chord
                  for the end of the intro, utz
                  for teaching me a clever trick
                  with the pentatonic scale and
                  also to sq^skrju and diver^4d for
                  their keen interest and support.