
Silly Venture 2k14 invitro by Dune & Sector One [web]

              SILLY VENTURE 2K14   ____              _____
    _____  __   FALCON INVITRO  ___\  /___      _____|   |
  _/  __/__\/____  ____ ____  __\_  \/   /____ _\    |   |____._ ______ ______
 _\_____  \  |  /__|  /_\   \/   /      / _  /   \   |  __/   | \  __  \  _  /
 |   \/   /  | /   \ /   \_    _/ \    /  \_/ \ \    |  /  \     \ \/__/_ \_/ \
 |_______/___|_____/_____/|____|   \  /\______/__\___|_____/_____/_/\___/_____/
 !                                  \/     

              cODE ........................... Thadoss / Dune
              vISUAL ......................... MIC     / Dune
              mUSIC .......................... DMA-SC  / Sector-ONE


                    - an Atari Falcon030 with 4MB of ST-RAM
                    - at least 2,5 MB of hard disk space
                    - RGB or VGA monitor

                        C U at Sillyventure 2014 guys ;)

                            Have fun, stay (H)Atari !                          

                            Thadoss / Dune A.D. 2014