
Pixel Flakes by Youth Uprising

Pixel Flakes / Youth Uprising
@Party 2014

Code: impakt
Music: spektre

	Wooooooooooooooo 24 hour prod! What is sleep? My production times keep getting shorter and shorter...
	Thanks to Tron for the inspiration obviously. :P

Settings for the prod can be changed via the Config.txt file.
The default settings are 1920x1080 at full-screen resolution with 4xMSAA.
If you've got a decent machine, turn up the MSAA to 16!

The linux version requires SDL2 and Bass to be installed on the system.

Greetings to:
 . Outracks
 . Brainstorm
 . Mercury
 . Snorpung
 . šmlat Design
 . bitFlavour
 . Andromeda Software Development
 . Conspiracy
 . Farbrausch
 . Plastic
 . MFX
 . Traction
 . Northern Dragons
 . Trailer Park Demos
 . Gravity
 . TBC
 . Loonies
 . Portal Process
 . Kvasigen
 . Nazareth Creations (fucking lamers)
 . PlayPsyCo
 . Kvasigen
 . Disaster Area
 . Quite
 . Keyboarders
 . Shitfaced Clowns
 . Spaceballs
 . Ephidrena
 . Darklite
 . SVatG