SpeedBall by Kabuto Factory [web]
-= SPEEDBALL =- ============================== -ESPAÑOL- Conversion realizada para el 1er. Concurso de Conversiones de Recreativas Españolas para Spectrum, organizado por el blog "El rincon del Spectrum", basada en la recreativa del mismo nombre lanzada en 1987 por Tecfri. Teclas: Q - Petaco izquierdo P - Petaco derecho S - Empuja la bola hacia arriba. Si abusas, puedes hacer falta e inhabilitar los petacos Creditos: Arcade original desarrollado por Tecfri S.A. Codigo, graficos y musica (Spectrum) - Baron Ashler Graficos y musica (C64) - Baron Ashler Versión C64 desarrollada con "Pinball Construction Set" "SpeedBall" (c) 1987 Tecfri. Spectrum and C64 conversions (c) 2014 Kabuto Factory. "Pinball Constructions Set" (c) 1984 Electronic Arts. -ENGLISH- Conversion made for the 1st Spanish Arcade Conversion Contest for Spectrum, hosted by "El rincon del Spectrum" blog, based on the same-named coin-op released by Tecfri on 1987. Controls: Q - Left flipper P - Right flipper S - Push up the ball. If you abuse, then you make tilt and flippers will be inoperative Credits: Original Coin-op developed by Tecfri S.A. Code, graphics and music (Spectrum) - Baron Ashler Graphics and music (C64) - Baron Ashler C64 version authored with "Pinball Construction Set" "SpeedBall" (c) 1987 Tecfri. Spectrum and C64 conversions (c) 2014 Kabuto Factory. "Pinball Constructions Set" (c) 1984 Electronic Arts.
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