In Memoriam V.N.N. by Introspec & 4th Dimension
__ __ _(__)_____ ___________________________(__)___________ _ __ __ _ ___)_ )_ |)_ )_ _)_ )_ )_ _)_ )_ )_ |_________/---/________ | __|: | |: | |:| | |: _||:| | |:| |:| |: |:__ |:| | |________/---/_______ | |:| |__/_|__/ |_|-|/|___/|_|-|/|___/|_| |__/_|__|_|-|/ ______ ______ |:| |:|__ _ _/ | | _/ | _/ | _|:| | _/ / ) | | ) _ | ) _ | )_ | | | _____/ \_________________________ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| /___\ |_/____|: | | |: | | |: | |___| | |___| i n m e m o r i a m V . N . N |______|: | | |: | | |: | |_____| |:|________________________--/______| | | | | | | | | | |: \/ | |_| | |_| | |_ |:::.. \_____/(_)___|__/(_)___|__/(_) --|---------\ . : . : title -- In Memoriam V.N.N. --|----.___.--\ |::: --|---------\ authors -- introspec (design & code) --|----.___.--\ diver/4d (graphics & design) |:: g0blinish (code) |:::. --|---------\ music -- A 40 second sample from the old Soviet movie --|----.___.--\ "Bespridannitsa" (Girl with no Dowry, 1937). Actually, |::: this recording reproduces a fragment of the classic XIXth _ / century Russian song "To ne veter vetku klonit" (It's Not \/ the Wind that Bends the Branch; composed by A. Varlamov, |: lyrics by S. Stromilov). |:::. --|---------\ lyrics -- Izvela menya kruchina, --|----.___.--\ Podlokoldnaya zmeya!.. |::: Dogorai, gori, moya luchina, |: Dogoryu s toboi i ya. |___ / /\ I am worn down by my sorrow, /__/ / Stealthy snake beneath the tree, \__\/_ Burn, my wood-brand, there's no morrow, | And I shall burn out with thee. |: (translated by C. K. Goldstein and I. H. Grade for their |: translation of "My Mother's Sabbath Days" by Chaim Grade). |:::. --|---------\ hardware -- 100% pentagon-compartible clone of ZX Spectrum with at --|----.___.--\ least 48K of memory and a General Sound (GS) card with at |::: least 320K of memory. It will also give a warning and start _|/ without the GS card, but in that case there will be no \/: sound at all. |::. --|---------\ emulators -- If you are running this demo in Spectaculator ver.8, please --|----.___.--\ make sure that the "General Sound 512K" is enabled in the |::: Sound tab of the emulator Options. __|: )_. If you are running this demo in Unreal, make sure that the | ULA is set to the standard Pentagon mode and verify that |: your GS emulation is working in z80 mode (GSType=Z80 in |__ unreal.ini). If your version of Unreal is VERY old, you may /\ \ also need to wait for about 10-15 seconds after starting \ \__\ the emulator until you hear a loud click, which indicates _\/__/ that the GS finished testing its memory. | |_____ We are not aware of any other emulators with proper GS _/____/\_ support, but if there are such things out there, they _\____\/ should work too. :| |: We also tested our software in ZXMAK2 ver. where it |: works correctly (although without the sound). |__ _ __( Several popular Western European emulators, such as | SpecEmu ver.3.1 and Fuse ver.1.1.1 appear to have slightly :| incorrect timings for where the screen begins on Pentagon |_____ (1 or 2 tacts off), which affects their display of this |/ /\ demo. This is a slightly contentious topic because the / / / edges of 2x1 border "pixels" on the original Pentagons 128 /___/ / appear to be misaligned in relation to the screen pixels \___\/- - (and also misaligned with respect to the character grid, | which is makes them incompatible with the classic Spectrums :| and awfully inconvenient when programming border effects). :|: At least one influential demo with highly non-trivial |: border effects, called "Rage" (you can find a copy of the |: demo and video recording of it on the Pouet page: \|, resolved this \ difficulty by pretending that alignment is correct (see \ for _ __\ screenshots of the very last effect in "Rage" running on a | real Pentagon 128). Several modern emulators and clones of :| the Pentagon take similar approach and simply align the | start of the frame using the last effect in "Rage" as |: their guide. |::. --|---------\ linear notes- Hi, it's introspec. --|----.___.--\ |::: I feel that I need to explain myself a little here. The |: thing is, I did not really know V.N.N. I never met him and |. we hardly ever exchanged a comment on the forum. However, |____ because I was working with border graphics on Spectrum and /\ \ because V.N.N. did so much to popularise drawing on the \ \ \ border, I felt like I knew V.N.N., through his work at |\ \___\ least. Somehow, I think, when making my border demos, | \/___/ I felt that I was involved in an unspoken dialogue with |:: V.N.N. So the news about his untimely death touched me |: deeply. I had to say something about this, loud and clear, |: so that the dialogue continues. This is why this prod had | to be created. :| :| I'd like to thank diver^4d and g0blinish, for agreeing to :| join me on such a short notice and for making this prod | possible. I would not be able to do anything half as good |: without their help. I would also like to thank dman^pcb |: who produced an elegant ascii artwork for this file. In | addition, huge thank you goes to Hacker VBI and TS-Labs, | who tested the demo on their hardware and also to Dmitry | from (he knows what for). :| |_____ There is an important reason why this demo only supports /\____\ Pentagon-compatible timings and requires a General Sound \/____/ card. First, it allowed us to implement few things that | cannot possibly be done on classical ZX Spectrums. Second, |: pretty much every prod with border drawing by V.N.N. |:: required a Pentagon-compatible clone and the majority of |:: them relied upon General Sound being present. Hence, this |: is our way to respect V.N.N.'s style of demo making. | | Most of the code here was written from scratch, except :| from a few libraries lifted from our other projects. We are :| using a tact alignment routine that was inspired by the :| Alone Coder's routine from the supplement to ZX-Guide #3 | and the arbitrary delay routine written by Jan Bobrowski :| for his software "minfo". Our GS detection code is an | edited version of the routine written by budder for Alone |: Coder's "The Board II". Our binary is compressed using | Exomizer ver.2.0.7 by Magnus Lind. | :| | Few words from diver: |: |: My role in this prod was not so big. I just polished some | pixels. Photo frame, Nikolay's photo and candle animation :| were converted by introspec and refined together by myself :| and introspec. The whole prod was imagined and directed by :| introspec. I hope that the result of our work is worthy of :|__ the dedication in the memory of Nikolay. /\ \ \ \__\ \/__/ This is g0blinish speaking. | :| My contribution to this project is not very large. I :| suppose that my main contributions are the General Sound :| routines, as well as few ideas for other procedures and :| optimisations. I'd like to mention hard work of introspec, |: who, despite being busy at work, spent few long nights to |: get the demo finished. This should serve as an example for |: some other people, who keep complaining about having no |: time for their demoscene projects. __|.------....__________________________________________..--/ascii by dman_pcb/-
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