fr-minus-017: coderpr0n by Farbrausch [web]
(***************************************************************************** farbrausch fr-minus-017: coderpr0n code: BeRo graphics: BeRo music: BeRo tools: BeRo exepacker: BeRo released at evoke 2013 ****************************************************************************** A FULLY IN OBJECT PASCAL IMPLEMENTED 64K INTRO ****************************************************************************** The synth of this 64k is designed for quadcore or better CPUs, because I wanted to make use of multi-threading on the synth code side. This 64k was opimized for HD 1280x720, please use min. NVidia GeForce GTX660 and a quadcore CPU for watching. It runs also with Intel HD Graphics 3xxx/4xx/5xxx, but with very slow framerate. And AMD/ATI is untested, sorry :-) signing off, BeRo *****************************************************************************)
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