
Cross the Streams by Damones [web] & Accession

    _________ ______         ___     _____      ___    ____       ____
  __\___    /_\___  \_ ___  /   \_ _/ _   \____/   \__/  _/___ __/  _/____
 _\   |/    \   \|    \   \/ _   //   \    / _ \    /   __>   \\_____    /
/     /    /.    |    /  _  /    \   //   /   \     \   \/     /   |/    \
____________|____|________\/     /\______/\___/     /_________/__  /     /

                             ___ _____ _______/\
                             \__\\    \\     /  \
                                  \___//    /    \
                                      /    /      \
   ______   ____     ____     ____  _/  ___        \__   ___   _____      ______
 __\__.  \_/  _/____/  _/____/  _/_____/  /_____ _/  /___\_/__/  _  \____/     /
.\   \|       \/       \/      _/     \____    /.\_____      /   /   /   \    /
|     |            __          \         |/     |    |/      \      /   \     \
|_____|     __     /___    _ ___     _ ___      |_____ _     /__________/     /
.     |______\_____\  \_____ _ \______ _ \______|    \______/h7/dS!    \_____/.
|     .                                                                 .     |
|     |         %%   d A M O N E S   %%   a C C E S S i O N   %%        |     |
|     :                  --   Cross The Streams   --                    |     |
| .   |                        (final version)                          |   . |
| .   |                                                                 |   : |
| :.: |    kakka - code       bionik - code+gfx       music - T-101     | :.: |
| i:: |                                                                 | ::i |
| Xii |    Runs on Chrome only. For local launch, use following args:   | iiX |
| XXX |    osx: "open -a 'Google Chrome' --args                         | XXX |
|___  | .                          --allow-file-access-from-files"    . |  ___|
  /___| :  win: "chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files"           : |___\
:     | |_____ _  _                                         _   _ ____| |     .
|    _|__ _  ____________________________________________________   _ __|_    :
|     Y_/                                                             \_Y     |
|     |                          greetings & so                         |     |
| .   :                                                                 :   . |
| .   .   This demo was rushed to completion at the partyplace in a     .   . |
| : . :   typical demoscene fashion. We would like to thank bionik      . . : |
| ::: |   for being a HUGE help. Without him this would've not been     : ::: |
| iii |   finished at all and with those words we congratulate him by   | iii |
| XXX |_____        Accepting him to join Damones! Cheers!         _____| XXX |
|_____|    /            .                                          \    |_____|
      |___//__          :                             .          __\\___|
              \\________|   T-101, Kakka and bionik   |________//  
                   - ---|                             |--- -
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