nyan7800 by Vantage [web]
___\_ / _____ __\\_ \_ _____ __\\_ \_ ___ _ __/ //_____ _) / /_\\_ \_ / // //_ / // _//_____ _/ (_ \ / / / / / \ _/ _ / \_ / \ / /________/ _ /___\______\ \____\____\ / /_____\_____\ - -diP-_ ______\____\-----_ __________\-----_ ___________\-bM!------ - V A N T A G E On <http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=57530> I wrote: "Makes me want to rip the music and make an Atari 7800 version." And Tjoppen replied: "Check out version 2, it has the song in the source code." And so it happened. Nyan Cat for the Atari 7800. The ROM *should* work on both PAL and NTSC machines, but I've tested it on a PAL 7800 only. If you need an emulator, try ProSystem: <https://home.comcast.net/~gscottstanton> It's not bad, but there's something wrong with PAL sound emulation, so just leave the TV region set to NTSC. Graphics code - Moerder/Vantage Music player - Paul Slocum, Tjoppen, Moerder/Vantage Music - Whoever did the music for Nyantari 2600 --Moerder/Vantage
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