
Sim Life by Contraz [web]

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                          .. P r e s e n t s ..
                           --- "Sim Life" ---

                       Released at Solskogen 2011

             Code: ................... Dran, Enex and Phlaton

             Graphics: ................................. Dran

             3D modelling: ................. Dran and Phlaton 

             Music: .................................... Binf



    * Windows XP/Vista/7 or OS X 10.5/10.6/10.7.
    * ATI/Nvidia GPU with at least shader 3 support.
    * A soundcard.

    We had been working on a demo for some time but it soon became 
    obvious it would not be finished in time for Solskogen. At least 
    not without cutting away alot of unfinished stuff and good ideas. 
    Still we wantedto participate in the demo compo so we decided to 
    take a break from "the big demo" and make something small. We 
    tried coming up with a simple consept that could be made really 
    fast and only out of stuff we had already lying around. We tried 
    creating a good atmosphere and visual look rather than creating 
    new fancy effects.

    Also this is kind of an unofficial sequel to our previous demo 
    "Sim Reich". The idea is something like this: the evil world of 
    the robots was destroyed and flooded and then new biological life 
    forms grew out from the ruins. If there was time we wanted to 
    create an intro sequence with a few scenes to tell this story. As 
    you can see we ran out of time (as usual). Guess you all just have
    to use your imagination instead :)
    This version is very unfinished. We might release a final version
    some day in the future… :)

    Contact us:

    Web: www.contraz.no

    Binf: binf contraz.no
    Dran: dran contraz.no
    Enex: enex contraz.no
    Phlaton: phlaton contraz.no
