Baby Demo by The Planet Of Leather Moomins [web] & enoughrecords [web]
__________ |--------| we are back from the year 9021 to deliver "Baby Demo" | | a non interactive demo hacked together by ps / TPOLM _|________|_ based on random js1k effects and some html5 css3 fluff / ___ \_ music by kesson shoujo found at Enough Records / ___|o| \ for Stream Demoparty 2011! run in Google Chrome. ----,. / |o|`-- \ . . _\ `-- /_ _ _ | . ____________________ ! / ___ _______ _ / \__ _/ /_ _ | /__ ._________ ________| / __\ \ / _ \______/ /\ \ | __/___!_ __ // ___ || /___ / \ _ \ \___// \T/ \\__/ | \/ / |/ // \/ || / // \ \ / -|o \_ \ |_________/ ___//_________||_______//_____\____\___\ \_____|_______) \ _ ________ __ | | _________ _ !NE7 _ _/ ____________________(___)_(___)_ ___\ | !
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