
sto? by Icebird [web]

name  : sto?
author: Dennis Ranke (exoticorn/icebid)
size  : 4096 bytes
needs : RiscPC
descr.: 4k intro


Now here is my contribution to the Codecraft's 4k coding contest. This
4k intro has been written mainly on 29/30th of june 1999. (Funny, how I
only start working, when the deadline is approaching...)

Here are some facts:

- crunched with crunch
- no sound (no time/space)
- sto? is the serbian/croatian word for "what?"
- written for SA machines on which it happily runs at 50 fps
- on SA machines a 50 hz mode is recommended
- might run quite slowly on 610s or 710s
- now uses tripple buffering, thx to baah for pointing this out
- the first fx are 4 scrolling layers, of which for every pixel one is
  chosen randomly (just in case you were curious about that... ;)
- the lady is a single draw path, drawn by the Draw_Fill swi

If you find any bugs or for any other reason, feel free to contact me at:
