
Mayhem by Incognita

 ²²²²°  °²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°  °²²²²
 ²²²°  °²²²²²²²²²²²                                       ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°  °²²²
 ²°° °°²²²²²²²²²²    MAYHEM MEGADEMO (c) INCOGNITA 1997     ²²²²²²²²²²²²²°  °°²
 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²     FIRST PLACE AT EUSKAL PARTY 5, SPAIN      ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²

 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      MAYHEM is (C) COPYRIGHT 1997 by Incognita.                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      MAYHEM is not freeware.                                               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      MAYHEM may be freely distributed subject to, but not limited to, the  ³
 ³   following terms: MAYHEM may not be sold or resold, distributed as a part ³
 ³   of any commercial package, used in a commercial environment, used or     ³
 ³   distributed in support of a commercial service, or used or distributed   ³
 ³   to support any kind of profit-generating activity.                       ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      MAYHEM may not be altered or modified without the permission of the   ³
 ³   author.                                                                  ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and   ³
 ³   any consequences thereof.  We the creators cannot accept liability for   ³
 ³   damages or failures arising from the use of this software.               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      For further information refer to the Incognita demogroup.             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      First, you should try 'mayhem.exe /h' to see all the options this     ³
 ³   demo has.                                                                ³
 ³      We have added the option '/safe' that will run mayhem in a safer/     ³
 ³   slower mode. If you can't run the demo, you should try this.             ³
 ³      The option '/log' has been added to allow us to debug problems. It    ³
 ³   has been useful during the beta period.                                  ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      And finally, the secret switch '/icgrulez' that has been working      ³
 ³   since the first version. It will allow you: get the fps each time you    ³
 ³   press 'f', get nfo about the current effect with 'i', move the camera    ³
 ³   with cursors ... etc ... (and a lot of things we'll never release).      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³ !    IF YOU HAVE a Gus with 512kb you won't be able to see the demo. You   ³
 ³   must choose Sound Blaster or No Sound device.                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³ !    IF YOU HAVE a AWE with 512kb you won't be able to see the demo. You   ³
 ³   must choose Sound Blaster 16 or No Sound device.                         ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Mayhem's project was born just after Euskal IV (1996). After all      ³
 ³   the exciting stuff taking place at this party we immediately decided we  ³
 ³   would give it another go the following year!                             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      We didn't want to repeat previous year's party coding. From the very  ³
 ³   beginning we thought that we were going to finish our demo so long before³
 ³   the party, right now, we're still laughing at the idea. X'-DDDDDDD       ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      But time ran quickly and after going through our studies and other    ³
 ³   related stuff we realized that we had less than a month to prepare       ³
 ³   something pretty good for the party, so we commited ourselves to work    ³
 ³   hard at it. By that time many people had already joint the group: our    ³
 ³   fancy new coder Reebot, who recruited Orko, the astonishing musician; TJI³
 ³   and Incubus did also help with the huge GFX stuff.                       ³
 ³   The week before the Euskal party we did nothing but getting it ready (and³
 ³   sometimes we also ate and slept, but only a little :-) )                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      The trip to the party place was almost perfect. The only trouble was  ³
 ³   that half of the Incognita crew was lost in combat, due to mechanical    ³
 ³   problems in Lyctor's brand new japanese car, so they had to take the bus ³
 ³   on the following morning. Not only did we have a "little" lack of time,  ³
 ³   but also of people!!! There was only one solution, it was time for other ³
 ³   non-stop coding sprint 'till the Deadline...                             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      During the last couple of hours before the deadline the project was   ³
 ³   cancelled several times, but there was something deep inside that        ³
 ³   wouldn't allow us to stop working!                                       ³
 ³   We finally presented a Mayhem release that didn't match exactly our      ³
 ³   idea about what a real demo should be, there were so many bad            ³
 ³   transistions, and a pair of final touches were needed. Just in the       ³
 ³   suicidal edge, we did manage to win the Euskal party.  We think this is  ³
 ³   a fair reward to our great effort! (don't be so proud, man X'-DDDDDDDD)  ³
 ³   But it wasn't as easy as it seems, plenty of nice brand new demogroups   ³
 ³   took part in the EP_V, and they also made a great effort. We also        ³
 ³   missed some VERY important groups in the spanish demoscene, such as      ³
 ³   Iguana (no doubt man, they're the best), Exobit (amazing breasts...ops, a³
 ³   demogroup that we're hoping to see in the next events), Zoran, Miracle...³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      A great part of Mayhem's effort consisted in creating some basis      ³
 ³   routines like the 3D engine, HiColor routs, etc. This took plenty of time³
 ³   as we had done nothing of the sort before. It's the main reason as to why³
 ³   Mayhem has a real lack of design. We aren't satisfied at all with our    ³
 ³   design, so we hope to improve it in our further releases - now  we can   ³
 ³   lay back, forget a bit about the coding and spend more time thinking     ³
 ³   about design.                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Right from this smart doc we want to make a direct call to all those  ³
 ³   new groups that are breaking trougth in the spanish demoscene in order to³
 ³   encourage them to go on with their promising work. The Euskal Party VI is³
 ³   going to be the best party ever in Spain, so we want to see you all      ³
 ³   there!!!                                                                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Mayhem's distributed release has been slightly improved, so there are ³
 ³   some differences between this one and the one you saw (if you really saw ³
 ³   it ;-) ) at the  Euskal Party V, the basic scheme is the same, but we've ³
 ³   retouched some things. We dedicated one full work month to finish it all.³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Pmode by Tran & Daredevil.                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Seal Music Library by Carlos Hasan.                                   ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Other stuff done by Incognita members:                                ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³         * Ent :                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              -Basis demo library                                           ³
 ³              -Main code                                                    ³
 ³              -3D Engines                                                   ³
 ³              -*.icg *.wrl *.seq *.cam *.icp formats                        ³
 ³              -Beta testing                                                 ³
 ³              -del*.*, gimme da card.                                       ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³         * Lyctor :                                                         ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              -Tried to take us to the party                                ³
 ³              -Couldn't finish all his work, we hope next chance we'll have ³
 ³               time enough to complete it all. Greetings go to Lyctor if he ³
 ³               reads this in the USA :)                                     ³
 ³              -Drive scummy cars.                                           ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³         * Reboot :                                                         ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              - Coding                                                      ³
 ³              - Taking us to the party at light speed                       ³
 ³              - Ray Tracing                                                 ³
 ³              - Beta testing                                                ³
 ³              - Greetings for Reboot. Keep on coding at GB ;-))             ³
 ³              - Kill keyboards till dead, bite chairs                       ³
 ³              - Drive without steering wheel.                               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³         * DarkBerry :                                                      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              - Credits' music                                              ³
 ³              - Watchinbirth.                                               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³         * Orko :                                                           ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              - Main music                                                  ³
 ³              - Where is da card?                                           ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³         * Incubus :                                                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              - 2D and 3D GFX                                               ³
 ³              - Animation                                                   ³
 ³              - Proposing some RT optimizing                                ³
 ³              - Taking care of us like mummy (^O^)                          ³
 ³              - Fall asleep in awkward positions. (ZZZzzzZZZ ...)           ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³         * Tji :                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              - 2D and 3D GFX                                               ³
 ³              - Animation                                                   ³
 ³              - Beta testing                                                ³
 ³              - Final demo retouching                                       ³
 ³              - Wear colourful shirts.                                      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Moral Support:                                                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      úú Snaked úúúúú WiseFox úúúúú Ident úúúúú Tuchi úúúúú Fahss úú        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      For further information on Incognita demogroup refer to ICG.NFO       ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      8 Mb of RAM are needed to execute the demo. Due to this limitation,   ³
 ³   (according to Euskal Party's rules), sometimes Mayhem slows down during  ³
 ³   transitions between different FXs. If you've more than 8 Mb of RAM we    ³
 ³   strongly recommend using a disk cache such as HyperDisk. Some critical   ³
 ³   parts of the *.dat file remain uncompressed in order to reduce this      ³
 ³   problem.                                                                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Mayhem has been coded in order to run as well using DOS as using W95  ³
 ³   (sorry, but it's up to you to delete that fucking GUI). As far as our    ³
 ³   tests show, Mayhem seems not to be as relayable as it should running     ³
 ³   under W95, but it runs correctly in most cases. Last test show us that   ³
 ³   you need more than 8 Mb to run Mayhem under win95 (surprise).            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Mayhem has been designed to work at any graphic resolution that your  ³
 ³   video hardware allows to. Besides other resolution modes are emulated    ³
 ³   duplicating real mode's pixels. (F.E.: 160*100 can be emulated using     ³
 ³   320*200, and just the same happens to 320*240 with 640*480). Color depth ³
 ³   is always 15 or 16 bit, depending on your card. Our demo provides full   ³
 ³   support to the Bank and LFB modes using the VESA Standard.               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      At the Euskal Party V the demo was executed with the default SVGA     ³
 ³   configuration: 320*200*16 bit (Ray Tracing & Particles) - 640*480*16 bit ³
 ³   (All the other stuff).                                                   ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      One of the objetives this demo was aiming for is to work entirely in  ³
 ³   SVGA. We've 'almost' done it. }:-)                                       ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      All the effects run in HiColor 15/16 bit mode. You can get an instant ³
 ³   TGA snapshot only by pressing the 'F1' Key.                              ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      There is a secret way of activating the keyboard during the demo      ³
 ³   (tweaked mode) so you can get real time information about the FX you are ³
 ³   watching, know the FPS rate, MOVE THE CAMERA, OBJECTS, and plenty of     ³
 ³   funny things like these. So this demonstrates that our demo is fully     ³
 ³   real time.                                                               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      1. - Demo's presentation -                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Our 3D World Engine, the one we use in the cave, is also      ³
 ³           used this time, and also a Zoom Blurring effect. This part was   ³
 ³           coded in the last minutes before the deadline and has remained   ³
 ³           almost intact ( only the camera has been changed, coz Ent enjoys ³
 ³           a lot playing with 3DStudio ;-) )                                ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Ent, Reboot, Incubus, Tji                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      2. - Demo's Logo -                                                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Incubus                                              ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      3. - 3D Bump -                                                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Jar mesh with more than 2500 polys. 3D Bump + Real Color      ³
 ³           Phong. Camera & Object's paths using spline interpolation.       ³
 ³           The ligth get also interpolated in space and intensity (RGB      ³
 ³           values), nevertheless, we hadn't time enough to paint the        ³
 ³           flare. :-)                                                       ³
 ³              Motion Blur, or Blur Motion, as Ent uses to say ;)            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Ent, Tji, Incubus                                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      4. - MetaBalls -                                                      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              3D IsoSurfaces generated in real time. 3 Spheres -field       ³
 ³           sources with different intensities- moving along an spline       ³
 ³           interpolated path (in 3d!, so balls can move in 3d, eh Jare ;-) )³
 ³           and textured using HiColor Enviroment Mapping. Real 3D -it's NOT ³
 ³           a BLOB FAKE!!! see the MESH- We hadn't time enough to move the   ³
 ³           camera and the ligth source. Maybe another time...               ³
 ³              Motion Blur.                                                  ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Ent, Incubus                                         ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      5. - Ray Tracing -                                                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              It consist on a real time raytracer of planes & spheres.      ³
 ³           Spheres reflect the plane and other surrounding spheres, they    ³
 ³           also project shadows over everything. Despite the plane doesn't  ³
 ³           move, it's rendered, textured and illuminated in EVERY frame. In ³
 ³           order not to compute all the rays, the RT does only traces some  ³
 ³           of them and use some funny algorithm to fill the empty spaces    ³
 ³           (thanx go to WiseFox :) It uses 9% ASM, everything is real time  ³
 ³           computed, it's 3D and it's REAL RAYTRACING.                      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Reboot                                               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      6. - Demon -                                                          ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Totally pixel-art, except the BKG };-)                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Incubus                                              ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      7. - Karate guy -                                                     ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              3000 polys mesh with 52 hyerarchies. Gouraud Hi Color         ³
 ³           Motion Blurred. Guy's animation and camera path read di-         ³
 ³           rectly from 3dStudio. (:-\ We won't do it again X-))             ³
 ³              Floor rendered using perspective correction every 32          ³
 ³           pixels.                                                          ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Tji, Ent                                             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      8. - Cave -                                                           ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              1500 total polys in the cave mesh. Flat Hicolor texture.      ³
 ³           Adaptative perspective correction, texture caching. There wasn't ³
 ³           time enough to arrange the illumination and the particle system. ³
 ³           (one more thing to do). Spline interpolated camera path (again   ³
 ³           ... :-) )                                                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Ent, Incubus, Tji                                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      9. - Particle system -                                                ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              1500 particles. 2 systems that get mixed using alpha blending.³
 ³           Despite it doesn't seems to, this efect is 3D. You can even move ³
 ³           the camera if you find the 'cheat mode'.                         ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Ent                                                  ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      10. - Credits -                                                       ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Quickly coded effect in order to get the demo ready in        ³
 ³           matter of minutes. 2 Layers : In one of them, text with alpha    ³
 ³           blending over the BKG and in the other a Bspline plane with      ³
 ³           transparency guided by two paths that deform it.                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Credits: Ent, Incubus, Tji                                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
³úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú REQUERIMENTSúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³    Minimum Computer to run this Demo (320x240, 320x200, 160x100, etc ...) :³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     P60 Mhz  ú  8 Mb RAM ú SVGA 1 Mb ú GUS 1 Mb / SB  ú Ms DOS             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³    Recommended Computer to run this Demo (SVGA):                           ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     P133 Mhz ú 16 Mb RAM ú SVGA 2 Mb ú GUS 1 Mb ú Disk Cache  ú DOS / Win95³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      -Groups:                                                              ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      -Personal:                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³    Xchip - Yuio - Frankee - The Guardian - Flamerz - Wisefox - Slavinsky   ³
 ³       Tuchi - Gheesh - Fahss - Snaked - Matrix - Jcl - Vaw - Acidpixel     ³
 ³     Ident - Arturo - Midnight - Cranky - Barman - Derethor - Sin - Khroma  ³
 ³        Mentat - Artquo - Lefesty - Unai - Danky - Sabino - Tanis - Jare    ³
 ³      Jcab - Yann - Nefron - Mcman - Inferno - Palpatine - Juancar - Elric  ³
 ³      Carlos Casares - Crom - Altair - Mitra -  NoisyMan - Ray - Ols - Coi  ³
 ³      Arm - Captain Bit - Astharoth - Kalms - Adept - Whizzter - 216 - mrz  ³
 ³                  Enlar - harmless - Abner - Skirep - Steel                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³               Tuchi te perseguire hasta que me devuelvas mi libro!!        ³
 ³                         X-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      Handshakes goto Maca, Flash, Jam¢n, Nico, Chino, Mono, Sal, Javi,     ³
 ³                      Manuel, Alejandro, Gonzalos, Paquete, Cuchy, Albarro, ³
 ³                      the new SFIII guy : Mr. Florez -Palpatine-            ³
 ³                      Maria ( yOu arE tHe besT), Tito (T.J.A.),             ³
 ³                      JosE & EnriQuE, Mortal K. David, RCL (Killer King ;-) ³
 ³                      Enrique, Guru, Manuel - Carlos - Guillen (Game40),    ³
 ³                      anD oUr KarateKa ANicetoR RobusTianO.                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      And of coz Kodebotti and Kamel (even though neither ot them op me) ;-)³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³        ICG members are currently looking for females to share their        ³
 ³       innermost sexual fantasies with.  If you happen to be a female,      ³
 ³    weight less than 90 kg and have big boobs do not hesitate to contact    ³
 ³     any (or all) of its members.  Blondes highly regarded.  UK residents   ³
 ³       please contact Reboot.  USA residents may want to contact Lyctor,    ³
 ³           although we've heard he is a bit 'busy' at the moment.           ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³              Don't bother with Incubus, he's asleep ZzzzZzz                ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³Heehhahhahohohheh...that was fun. We'll be back! ;-)                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                              thE Ent       ³
 ³                                                                            ³