Flame intro by Garbage
+-+-+-+-+-+ GarbaGe Information File v0.4 +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ distributed with GB_FMINT.ZIP +-+-+-+ Hi, there!! You might be wondering who GarbaGe are... Well, this little cute file is going to try to explain who we are. ================= == Group Members ================= GarbaGe is a group oriented to intro/demo coding. We are a new group and we only know the demoscene for about 2 months. These first releases won't be very good, (we're still learning a lot) but I think we will get a lot better as time goes by... Right now, there are only two official members: eXtaCy - (aka XtaC/AD) Founder / Main Coder / Musician (bad one) / Grfx / All round dude... (me!me!)...:) Age: 16 years DeaDBraiN - (aka VyPer/AD) Eats a lot / Sleeps a lot / Surfs badly / Codes a little Eats a lot... (did I already mention that he eats a lot?) Age: 16 years I hope that we'll get someone else in here FAST!! If you want to join us, just fill in the garbage.app, and follow the instructions. Almost forgot to mention... We live in AZORES!!! Yes... you heard right!! We live in the middle of nowhere... ================= == Why GarbaGe ? ================= Hum... I thought about making this group while listening to "I'm only happy when it rains" from Garbage, the music group. The name sounds nice, and besides, all our code stinks... :) so it fits quite right... #:)* ================ == Releases ================ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ File Name ³ Release Date ³ Coded/Composed ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ gb_wfire.zip ³ 14 / 01 / 1997 ³ ASM/C by eXtaCy ³ ³ gb_coper.zip ³ 15 / 01 / 1997 ³ ASM by eXtaCy ³ ³ gb_fmint.zip ³ 27 / 01 / 1997 ³ PAS by DeadBrain ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ IMPORTANT: All of our releases will be in a .ZIP file, with the GARBAGE.NFO, GARBAGE.APP, FILE_ID.DIZ and the name of the .ZIP file will ALWAYS start with GB_?????.ZIP. If you own a BBS and you are willing to distribute our releases, please stick to these rules! If you own a BBS and wish to be a DIST SITE for our group, then fill the GARBAGE.APP file with BBS DIST APP on the OTHER [ ] option. ================ == Contact Us ================ If you want to contact us, you can e-mail the following addresses: eXtaCy: milton_moura@hotmail.com DeaDBrain: ricardo_batista@hotmail.com ================ == Greets ================ We would like to greet the following groups / people: Atlantic Dreams - our "other" group... ;) Aphex Twin - for SIRIUS-B BBS, our first distro!! Akira - for beeing a german dude... 8) bitcoder / Radioactive Design - hummm... hi, there!! hLecter - move your butt, and code demos!! Viriato - hi... where the hell are ya ?! optix - thanx fer beeing patient... jugi - hehe... Eckart - thanx for the vesa code! HeadSoft - hey... learn C for a change... Suzie - u damn bitch!! I hope I haven't forgot anybody... ================ == BYE!! BYE!! ================
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