
d.n.a by Altair

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0. Table of Contents
   1. Introduction to Molecular Biology.
   2. A Space Trip.
   3. Members ( - huh, huh, he said members... ;).
   4. Zorkmids.
   5. Greetz.
   6. The (il-)Legal stuff.
   7. How to get in touch with us.
   8. Farewell, Reader.


1. 'D.N.A'
      This of course has not much to do with real molecular biology
      so this is not the place to look for the information on the
      topic. The purpose of this part of this text file is to give
      you the most information on 'D.N.A.' understood as the title
      of our intro and not the real dezoxyrybonucleic stuff. Thus, we
      shall begin. DNA is our first demo-scene relase. It was done
      especially for the 'Intel Outside IV' party. It might prove
      good to you to know more about the hardware this intro is
      supposed to run on. OK, it is not the fastest code, and true,
      it could look poor for those of you who might happen to use
      some of those 386. ... 486? ... Pentium? ... Pro? ... OK,OK,
      a fast 486 (I mean those above 100 megaflops... oops! -
      100 megahertz) shall suffice. All those beasts like Pentium
      Pro's and II's should have no problems with running it. Only...
      you SHOULD have a fast graphic card (pci, vlbus, ya know) and
      most of all a Gravis Ultrasound to be able to hear our
      musician's creation. And that's probably all you require... at
      least - to watch our intro  8).


2. 'Altair'
      A short session with a sky atlas could prove fascinating
      and educating if you still don't know what 'Altair' actually
      means. Not to bore you with all the astronomic data, I will go
      exactely to what I am supposed to tell you here. Apart from
      being the name of a *** (you shall check yourself) 'Altair'
      somehow happened to be the name of our demo-group. Why? Too
      much to put it here. An idea of making such demo-group came to
      some of us some time ago (quite a long time). But, since now we
      didn't do anything worth relasing. Now, we would like to make
      some kind of a debut and thus we came to the 'IO IV' with
      something you can read about above. If it might interest you,
      we come from Warsaw, Poland (almost all) and curiously, we all
      have something to do with computers (strange, isn't it?). If
      this piece of information doesn't satiate your data-hunger, you
      should be able to find some more of it soon in this file.
      Thus, (*** TADA ***) 'Altair' are (in alphabetical order):

               BlueShade, Corrozya, Dmocho, Dzozef,
               Guma, Harvuh, Malfunction.

      ... And that's probably all of us. Should you feel an
      uncontrollable desire to know even more, just continue reading
      until you reach those 'credits' and 'personal info' parts of
      this file.


3. Members of Altair (of course).
      As this has already been stated before, I won't repeat it. Here
      is the place for each of us - 'Altair' - to make a contribution
      to this file and provide our readers with some more stuff about
      each of us. Here we go:

      BlueShade  -  also known as 'Stealth'.
                    Coding and raytracing (rendering ??).

      Corrozya  - Musician.

      Dmocho  - Code.

      Dzozef  - Code (sometimes - hardcode) & raytracing.

      Guma  - Textwritter and Lamer.

      Harvuh  - Music, music and music again!

      Malfunction -  His handle comes from his second name 'Bubel'
                     which means something like 'malfunction' in
                     Graphician, musician and organizer (uff!).

4. (I meant - Credits ;).
      Altair members' contributions to 'D.N.A.', 'Intel Outside IV'
      and whatever else:


      'Zycie do rzyci' - (papermag)
         texts..............................Globus, Guma, MSCoD(aUMR)
         main editor......................................Malfunction
         DTP and dezign...................................Malfunction
         DTP specialist.........................................Tauri

5. Greeting Part.
      This is the area where all members of Altair can pass their
      greetings on occasion of relasing the 'D.N.A.'. I'm getting
      directly to the essence.

      Atair as a WHOLE would like to greet <...> and also all members
      of The Scene - with no compatibility prejudices.

      Apart from that, here come the personal greetz:

      BlueShade   - C64 coders and maybe even more gfx-cians.
                    Also greetings to navigators of large ships
                    (tankers, aircraft carriers) for some special

      Dzozef      - to all POV-ray users and to 2 Stupid Dogs,
                    Cow & Chicken, Dexter and DeeDee.

      Malfunction - C64 gfx and msx people, and all on #AmigaPL
                    (especially V0yager, VeroX, Yankee, Yoga and

6. Legal Information
      Altair would like to state that 'D.N.A.' is freeware and thus
      one can distribute it freely provided that no changes to the
      package are made. Commercial purposes should be consulted with
      Altair. The intro is supplied as it is and is meant to be
      nothing but an entertaining program and thus should not cause
      any more problems than probable inability to run it. Altair are
      thus NOT RESPONSIBLE for and damages and loses of anything
      (hardware, mental condition, etc.) caused by the use of it.

7. Contacts:
      First of all there will be Altair's Homepage(s) available soon
      The adresses of those are:
      (Neither of them is available now - July 12th, 1997.)

          a.'BlueShade's Home Page - Altair'

          b. 'ALTAIR HQ'

      Secondly, some of us are reachable by e-mail.
          BlueShade:     pidzki@sgh.waw.pl
          Corrozya:      mgorsk@sgh.waw.pl
          Dmocho:        dmocho@free.polbox.pl
          Dzozef:        ttkaczuk@elka.pw.edu.pl

8. Farewell.
      Dear Reader, I know how cruel it is of me to deprive you of the
      pleasure of reading this piece of writing (should I say
      typing?). However, this text just has to end somewhere and I,
      taking into account all the consequences of this act, decided
      that this place will be here. Before it happens, I and all
      'Altair' would like to thank you both for reading this
      info-file and also possibly for watching our intro.
      So, until the next time, ta ta.

PS: "Remember, it's the man not the machine." - ?.?.
PS/2: I (BlueShade) would like to express my sorrow of being not
allowed to put my code there ... (at last my text was found useful).
re PS/2: I am sorry BlueShade but you were coding too late and Dzozef
was really f*%*ed up so we couldn't put your code inside.
Then do not blame us!
re re kum kum: No blaming, just sorrow... (forget it).
re kum re: Yeah, I'm  sorry too...