Fallback Plan by Ümlaüt Design [web]
FALLBACK PLAN by ÜMLAÜT DESIGN a 256b intro at RÝVERWASCZ 2009 [1:38:15] Gargaj: ja igen ezt akartam mondani. ha be tudom rakni a voxel landscapet 256b-ba, akkor nem adom ki a zenet [1:38:22] Gargaj: ha nem, akkor beadom compora [1:38:51] Gargaj: ph33r :) [1:38:55] zoom: hadde ne adjad mar be, megcsinalom mainra [1:39:14] Gargaj: a deja vu hiba a matrixban [1:39:19] zoom: tudom :) [1:39:31] zoom: de egyszercsak bejon :) the intro itself is a ridiculously trivial implementation of a voxel landscape with a XOR-texture (which turns out to be called munching squares in countries where they can't remember the word "XOR" or something). i admit i really wanted to write a voxel landscape plotter since i was 16 or so but couldn't, and now in 2009, ten years later i whacked it together in like 15 minutes after work hours. life's not fair. source is included; the .pde file is the processing version which was used to plan out the effect and optimize it before the actual code. the original (unoptimized) version can be seen at http://gargaj.umlaut.hu/temp/processing/sketch_aug26a/applet/ speaking of which: i can really recommend processing for prototyping tiny effects for intros, it really is fun, in a way. anyway. time to wrap up and hand the entry in. come to function -> www.function.hu we <3 u all. www.umlaut.hu @ 2009
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