
Rewired 2008 Invitation by Royal Belgian Beer Squadron [web]

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    .: ................................................................... :.
   ...:                                                                  :...
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::                    Royal Belgian Beer Squadron                      ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::                   Brings you at BreakPoint 2008                     ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::                  The Invitation For Rewired 2008                    ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::       Code - Oemfoe and Berre  / Graphics - Kuroto and Naia         ::
    ::             Music - Teis / Layout - FRaNKy and Kuroto               ::
    ::                           Help - ZavKE                              ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::                    Cold Jupilers to our pals in                     ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::      Smash Designs - TRSI - Rabenauge - Metalvotze - Limp Ninja     ::
    ::      Farbrausch - Fulcrum - Salva Mea - Vacuum - 5711 - Haujobb     ::
    ::       K2 - Oxyron - Resource - Drifters - ROLE - Triad - Radwar     ::
    ::    Paradox - Hotstuffers - Access Denied - Gnumpf-Posse - Anubis    ::
    ::     Civitas - 64ever - Creators - Danish Gold - Green - Hitmen      ::
    ::       Onslaught - Padua - The Dreams - Viruz - WOW - Willow         ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::           Special thanks and Duvels to Teis for the music           ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::           t3h MySpace -> http://www.myspace.com/teisbeatz           ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::                  And obviously, come to Rewired !                   ::
    ::                  All info is on the party website                   ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::                     http://www.rewired.be                           ::
    ::                                                                     ::
    ::..                                                                 ..::
    .. :.................................................................: ..
     :                                                                     :