
1k_Evolution by Secretly!

       ____________            ______      _____    _              
        ____  ____/__   __________  /___  ___  /___(_)____________ 
         __  __/  __ | / /  __ \_  /_  / / /  __/_  /_  __ \_  __ \
         _  /___  __ |/ // /_/ /  / / /_/ // /_ _  / / /_/ /  / / /__
         /_____/  _____/ \____//_/  \__,_/ \__/ /_/  \____//_/ /_______

      C A T E G O R Y :    4k   i n t r o  (file is 1016 bytes only)

                  v e r s i o n   1.0  [ 22 - mar - 2008 ]

             :                                                :
             :         ___   l__   .___      .    l_          :
     ___ _ _ : _      (__(_  l__)  (__)   (__j    l__         : _ _ ___
     )_)\ _  :                                                :  _ /(_(
     \_\/_ _ : _  <-------------------------------------->  _ : _ _\/_/
       Y     :                                                :     Yª
       !           coding by: ...........................           !
       :           ...........Thorsten Will  aka  Mr.Vain           :
       :           ......................................           ú
       .           Thanks for support and help: .........           .
                   ...................................Jim   /
                                   _ _                    //

                           _   _  __ ___  __
   _))_  ::.              -   -  -- ---  /\_\
- /____\ - .: - - -----------------------\/_/--------^\ //^---------<<<<úú---.
  \(Oo)/  ::                                           \/                    |
  /\../===+    W e l c o m e / C r e d i t s                 :.              |
_/__\/__\_                                    __                             |
\/!!\/!!\/   .--úú>>>>-----^\\ /^------------/\_\----------------^[mv°s]^----'
 \__/\__/ - -'               \/              \/_/  --- --  -   -
                                                  »»» »»  »   »

This is my contribution to the 4k intro competition at breakpoint 2008 in
bingen. While coding, drinking, eating and smoking i got the idea for this
1k (1016 byte) intro, while seeing colored things :D

I have to thanks a lot my friend Jim who is an excellent coder and helped
me a lot to realize this intro - without his help this intro would not exist!

If you are interested in any democoding, just take a look to the great
"dbf interactive community" where are a lot of talented and friendly sceners 
around. www.dbfinteractive.com

Special thanks to my beloved girlfriend Melanie for moral support! sorry
for stealing you the sleep (night) - i am very sorry and i love you! <3

                           _   _  __ ___  __
   _))_  ::.              -   -  -- ---  /\_\
- /____\ - .: - - -----------------------\/_/--------^\ //^---------<<<<úú---.
  \(Oo)/  ::                                           \/                    |
  /\../===+    R e q u i r e m e n t s / I n s t a l l a t i on    :.        |
_/__\/__\_                                    __                             |
\/!!\/!!\/   .--úú>>>>-----^\\ /^------------/\_\----------------^[mv°s]^----'
 \__/\__/ ---'               \/              \/_/  --- --  -   -
                                                  »»» »»  »   »

This intro should work on any modern PC with a soundcard..

  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       Good luck to all contributors. breakpoint is the place to be ;)
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