
Exospect by Black Maiden [web]

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     released at tum 2007

    \\__ credits

         music           -  looza
         code / visuals  -  pandur

         the tree thing was a little experiment done together with sarlac
         the graffitilike spider was inspired by sketches from ave

         initial supershape code ripped (and raped to death) from paul bourke

         thanks to warp for answering lame questions
         thanks to dmg for ascii logo (thanks to dipswitch for delivering)
		 thanks to anderer for styleberatung
		 thanks to anderer/steam/puenzli for mental support at the party place

	\\__ problems
		- java seems to have timer problems on core duo/hyperthreading cpus, 
		  you can start demo.exe and disable one cpu (in task manager) (...)

		- seems not to work on all systems in fullscreen, because of pfbuffer 
		  problems, i will check this later...

	\\__ bla

         - the demo is written in java
         - uses collada 3d XML file format 
         - done on a p4 2.4ghz / gf7600 GT and a macbook pro / ati x1600
         - may be slow as fuck on other machines due to lameness not java, 
		   will maybe optimized later (or not)
         - eats around 300 mb of memory

         - uses lwjgl for opengl (lwjgl.org)
         - uses fmod3 for music
         - uses devil for loading images
         - developed using eclipse/ant/3ds max/photoshop

         - video and webstart version will be available at www.drastic.net