
Rock Solid + by Paranoia [web]

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                              for what you see
                              is what you lack

Paranoia strikes again with another demo production for the Atari 
Falcon030, presented at the ERROR IN LINE 2001 Party in Dresden,
Easter 2001.
Minimum requirements:
- Atari Falcon030, C-Lab Falcon MK I, MK II or MK X
- 4 MB ST-RAM (about 3 MB needed)
- VGA (100Hz required) or RGB monitor, RGB favoured
- a HD diskdrive or a harddisk with roughly 1.4 MB free


Additional Enhancements.
This demo does not require any kind of speeder but should support
those. Simple CPU doublers will not have a massive effect on the
framerate but busspeeders will.
Additionally, an RGB-monitor or TV set is prefered. The demo only 
supports VGA 100Hz which makes the demo slower than on RGB 50 Hz
(naturally). VGA 100 Hz is therefore recommended only if you have
an accelerated Falcon.
Standard Falcon users will most probably not like VGA 100 Hz.
You can run this demo from a disk-based system since the demo does
fit on a HD disk along with the modfile and readme-file. However, you
might prefer running this from a harddisk.
The demo runs on a MiNT/N.AES/MultiTOS system as long as the memory
requirements are met. It fiddles with timers though so compatibility
to other running or background software is not given.

The demo has been tested on:
- Atari Falcon030, 4 MB RAM RGB
- Atari Falcon030, 14 MB RAM VGA and RGB, NVDI and Videlity loaded
- Atari Falcon030, 14 MB RAM VGA and RGB, Nemesis, NVDI & Videlity
- Atari Falcon030, 14 MB RAM VGA Nemesis, MiNT/N.AES, NVDI, Videlity
- Atari Falcon030, 32 MB FastRAM, VGA 100 Hz
Legal stuff:
You might copy and distribute this demo as long as no money is charged 
for it and as long as none of the files the demo consists of, the 
binary named ROCKSLD.PRG, the module file named IDNA.MOD and this
file, the README.TXT file, is neither changed nor skipped.
No additional files should be added either.
Putting this demo (meaning the 3 files specified above) somewhere into 
the internet for other people to download is okay as well.

As usual, Paranoia can't be held responsible for any kind of damage
that might occur to your hardware, software or brain before, while or
after running this software.

Changes from the Party version:

First i'd like to point out that this demo was not meant for immediate 
release when we handed it in for the Error In Line #2001 Falcon Demo
The reasons were simple: The demo itself has been put together on
the party and is neither bug-free not accelerator friendly - at
least some effects - and the timing was not 100% done either.
Since the Error In Line #2001 rules allowed to compete but not
release immediatelly, i was about to alter the demo a little so
maximum compatibility to enhanced Falcons is given.
Unfortunately, No of Escape offered the demo for download too early
so the Party version was already being spread - not a big problem as
long as it was clear to see that this was the 95% party version.

This is the final 100% version.

There are no major differences between the Party 95% version and this 
one however. Only minor details have been fixed that were not 
important for the Party version:
- In-between pictures now in higher resolution
- The Graphics of Greetings and Credits have been changed a little for
  higher readability
- Now supports FastRAM when present (make sure Fileflags are set)
- Timing for the movement of several effects have been altered so they
  run equally fast on enhanced machines
- Effect-syncing to the music has been redesigned
- Bug in the music-replay at certain times has been removed

I'm sorry that some screens of this demo move irregularly unsmoothly.
The Modreplay just costs too much CPU time then and i couldn't manage
to have all effects being played during the time the modreplay costs
less CPU time.
I give up on that, please excuse ...
- Impressive 8-channel music:       MrFuture
                                      using Graoumf Tracker (Falcon)
- Stunning true colour graphics:    TNT
                                      using GIMP/Cinema 4D  (Amiga)
- Offset-tables, x86 code:          Marcstar
                                      using Borland Turbo Pascal and
                                      inline x86 assembly   (PTS-DOS)
- MC68030 code:                     Paranoid
                                      using TurboAsm 1.77   (Falcon)

Additional credits:
- 8-channel MOD replay:             BitMaster of TCE
- DSP-Fix and Bootcode:             Evil of DHS and NoCrew
- Demo-engine and fileloader:       Evil of DHS
  TurboAsm-compatibility and
    other, minor modifications:     Paranoid
- Extremely fast Rotation routine:  Gizmo and Evil of DHS
  un-FPUed and modified:            Paranoid
- Original offset-generator:        Gedge
  modified and enhanced:            Marcstar
- additional graphics:              Paranoid

Thanks must go to Evil of Dead Hackers Society
                  Deez of Mind Design
                  No of Escape
                  Candyman of Cream for their help and support
Last words:
This is our second Falcon demo and my third real production as an 
assembly programmer in total. 
This is also the first joint venture between Marcstar and me. 
Marcstar modified the original TurboPascal routine by Gedge to 
generate tunnels so he could also generate freely scaled tables for 
use on MC 680x0.
This demo will most probably also appear as a "preview" on x86. It 
will feature most effects and music, but will not be identical with
the original Falcon demo. You will find this preview on our webpage
as soon as it is released.
(Minimum requirements: A 486, DOS-compatible operating system, VGA)

To contact us, feel free to visit our webpage: 
or email us:

No other projects are currently planned or being worked on by
Paranoia. All of us are currently busy finishing their studies
and are either in the final examn-phase or preparing for it.

So please be patient. We will return when we have more spare time
                       Signing off:
                                   The Paranoid