
Sokuseki by xplsv [web]

   ..__        _______\         \ ________             _____..
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- /____/\    \   \_______\         \__..__\      \____\    / --- 
         \____\____ \     \         \_  \_________\/______/
             ..     ..     \_______../               ++ xplsv

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                      sokuseki by xplsv
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                       Blah blah blah...
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         Wops! We forgot the readme file! Well,
         luckily the gloppers don't write dummy .nfo
         files yet :) They're just starting the prize
         ceremony just now... ahh.. that's boring,
         what about having some bars, some tension...
         Too many resources, not that good direction 
         (uhm... :D) 
         Well, regarding this demo, after Hofn we
         didn't have much time but we thought about
         doing a abstract-and-more-or-less-easy-
         to-execute prod. So, we almost arrived to
         the party place with no more than the
         storyboard, a couple of scene tests, and the
         effects ready, we basically put all together
         at the party place, without knowing that the
         "real" deadline was actually on saturday, so
         it was rushed but quite finished this time.
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                          More info?

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               blackpawn: http://blackpawn.com
                trace: http://trace.xplsv.com
               neurokin: http://roterfleck.com

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                       xplsv.com 2007
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