The Third Dimension by Digital Dynamite [web]
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat last... phew... this was a fuckin' tough work! after 2 days (not including the other four weekz) of suffering , sweating, seeing in blue and red, smoking 2 times more than one should (Mephizto), killing kenny several times, drinking tons of coke with ice (AND THAT FUCKING FANTA VADMALNA!!!!!!! AAARGH! - but we had no choice) and approx. 20k mouse clicks on Mephizto's computer (I count them with mousecount.exe! - Meph :)), we finally finished our second demo's party version!! (that means, that we're at the half of the work... :)) yea... we feel good... we're happy... well, we have 2 more days until the Flag party, but we can't watch this demo any more... We're sick of it :) So now we must finish our 64k now. During the two demomaking meetingz, we used: - 2 packs of "koktel kreker" --> traditional hungarian crunchy shit (but as mrmaim said it's "cocktail quaker") - approx. 10.000 lines of engine & effect code (not including the basic units of TMT pascal) - 4 weeks of hard work - tons of self-created samples (more than 20 music versions, including at least 4 "Final" versions :)) - lots of cigarettes - tons 'o synthetic food - approx. 120L of coke & ~100 ice cubes - five 3D-glasses (and a home-made too ;)) - 2 computers - 3 monitors (incl. 1 tv) AND WE FUCKIN' HATE THE SUNLIGHT (we can't see a thing now from this nfo file, as the sunlight reflects on the monitor). Ok, we gotta go now... 2 more dayz... legal stuff we do _not_ take any responsibility for any damage that this demonstration should cause in you or your computer. please remove the glasses when your eyes or head starts to hurt. do not look into the sun with the glasses. do not eat it. it's not good for getting chicks, so don't wear it for any other purpose than watching anaglyphic pictures. how to create your own 3D glasses? here: step 1: get 2 pieces of transparent plastic sheetz (1 red, 1 blue) step 2: cut them into smaller pieces, so you can put them in front of your eyes (red to the left, blue to the right). step 3: watch the demo :) that's all you have to know... 2oo1, Digital Dynamite Scientists: BoyC, Mephizto
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