The Choice
CHOICECD.MPG 1ST RELEASED AT ASM'95 FINLAND 13.08.1995. SCENE V1.25. ANIMATION V3.0. It took over eight months of hard work to produce this animation. The 3D-graphics software I have used in this animation is Real 3D V.3 Amiga version from Realsoft Oy, Finland. When working scene like this big it's like programming an ordinary program: what you have left unfinished behind you sooner or later found it front of you; literally. I have worked very hard to get the "camera drive" look good, so I hope you like it ! The animation was originally ment to be played back at 25/30 frames per second so there is now dropped out some frames to fit the 2000 total frame limit and to get "normal" speed at 12.5 frames/second playback. (The time was running short, so I was forced to cut out about halve of the frames instead of rendering whole animation to new frame rate.) I want to thank Petri N. and Roger for their opinions about the animation. Have fun ! - Jan-Erik Tervo -
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