
Rebel Planet by Avalanche

          .Ö· ºÖ·º Ö·Ö·Ö·º Ö·.
        .::Ö¶ººÖ¶º Ö¶ººº Ƿǽ::.      "We take the fun out of skiing"
      .::::Ó½Ó½Ó½Ó½Ó½ ºÓ½ ºÓ½::::.

        This is just a small BBS intro, so don't expect too much of
        this one.. .  Quite raster-chewing code too when you think
        of the excessive complexity of the effects.. .  ;)

        Credits for this one..

                All demo-coding         - Out of the Ordinary
                Musicsystem             - Cyberstrike
                Graphics                - Out of the Ordinary
                Music                   - Pseudolukian/Desire (Amiga)

        Sorry for having to use some lame amiga music this time, but
        I just took the first chip module that I felt would fit the

                          -/ -// Out of the Ordinary/Avalanche \\- \-