Mac My Bitch Up by bypass [web]
. -------------------------------> b y p a s s < > mac my bitch up -><-- - - (windows port) ------------------------------<------------------------------------------- > original version done for evoke 2006, more of a fun production really. initially we didn't plan a win port, but upon several requests here it is. use "windowed" commandline parameter to run in windowed mode. needs nothing fancy, mediocre hardware is sufficient. music h.c. - dipswitch music - muhmac, uwe, looza overlaygfx - tomic code and stuff - warp original version, sourcecode and more available at sorry for the big demosize when unpacked - not much time right now.. super special thanks to dipswitch for accomodation and cologne posse for the nice after-party <3 hellos to all our beloved friends and contacts! be sure to check out the mac version as it is way better :> . -->------------------------------------------------ -- - < > this demo won an extra flight -><----------------------------------------------------------- -- - .
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