Disk Maggie 16 by Maggie Team
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A quick phonecall on bended knees to the artist (Kev) secured another half a dozen copies (just to be sure!) in time for tonight.. Generally, we've had to program in loads of time for me to not feel too good in, and not want do very much too quickly, so that is another compelling reason for these last minute delays.. SHIT, HE'S BACK, HE REALLY IS!! 12.40am, 14th Jan 1995, it is Dominic 'Tosser' Diamond in some sort of 'adult' version of Gamesmaster, the 'Gore Special' which will hopefully have little bits of a screaming Dominic Diamond sliced up on camera for our pleasure.. However, we do have Kasumi Ninja for now.. With Aliens vs Predator to follow, it's turning into a bit of a Jag showcase at least.. THINGS WE HAVE PLAYED WITH IN BRIEF..(NOT REVIEWED) Cindy Crawford, in yer dreams boy! 'Heretic', a medieval Doom-em up, so much so, because it is using the Id Software game engine under licence.. Appeals for those Hobbit fanciers who think that Dungeon Master is a little too 'cerebral' for them.. Manages to overcome the inherent technological restrictions by substituting industrial age blasting irons with lovely magic staffs, crossbows, and a thing called the 'Dragon Claw' which is as near as grudammit, a plasma cannon with a fancy exterior.. Can actually look up and down as well, but play style very similar to the original, and even the deathmatch option has been kept in.. One for PC only at the moment.. Another Doom type game, whose name I forget at the moment, but this shareware venture can apparently have up to ELEVEN players in the same game.. One slight problem though, you need a spare PC to act as a network server, and anyone under 8 meg of RAM, forget it! Robinsons Requiem, Falcon version.. Probably Simarils best yet, and jolly good clean outdoor fun, in a boy scout dies of exposure and gangrene slowly sort of a way.. Some people you talk to may turn into werewolves in front of your eyes, but this is not to be taken personally.. Graphics do look like something other than an ST ported version, and a reasonable, if not fantastic speed is possible, but then again, it isn't a rushing around sort of game.. Magic Carpet, (PC) stunning 3-D fractalled and lightsourced graphics with a 'misty' fade into the background.. The gameplay consisted of shooting at things and left me curiously uninvolved.. HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW? The one with the waggly tail? INTEL (MUCH BIGGER) INSIDE.. A new angle on yet another shite advertisment for PC related stuff, this time, the 'Intel Inside' capaign, ("That's my homework on the Saturn System done, now for the Kilrathi System!") You are taken on a helicopter tour of the inside of a typical PC motherboard, which seems to be as big as Wembley Stadium to the casual observer, but strangely missing the massed cheering crowds.. Why is it much bigger inside than out? you ask.. Well it becomes clearer if you look closely at the word 'Tower Case', then change it ever so slightly to the word 'Tardis!' Yes, your average PC is nothing more than a cunningly disguised Galifreyan Time/Space excursion vehicle!! But not even Dr Who can save them from being shite computers! BUBBLE BOBBLE '030.. Falcon owners reading this, if you haven't got round to checking the 'goodies' folder yet, there is a very pleasant surprise for you, in the form of a fully playable three level demo of 'Bubble Bobble' fully enhanced for the Falcon.. The full game should be with us comparatively soon.. TO CATCH THE ODD NEW READER.. This issue of Maggie, and all other recent issues from twelve and above, run on both ST and Falcon systems, ST for both colour and mono, Falcon set into ST-compatible low or medium resolution.. ST mode has some more famous Big Alec chip music, Falcon remains mercifully free of such distractions.. STILL A FEW 'K' LEFT.. Thanks largely to 'Bubble Bobble 030', we've managed to jampack this disk, and we are now on the last 4096 bytes of free disk space, which was the sort of free memory that the average ZX81 programmer could happily rattle around in, talking about old computers, Kev rang this morning to tell me that a friend of his had acquired a dozen Tandy TRS 80's which were being dumped off the premises of a local Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant.. They still work, but need boot-up disks and other software.. Any ideas out there, or better still, anything on 5.25 inch disk for these? TIME TO GO.. Maggie issue 16, finished on the 11th, er no, 13th, hang on, 14th January 1995.. It WILL get better in future, honest!! (C) CIH and Co, 1994-1995
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