Alive of REBELS by Rebels
Code: MX/Rebels DK ( GFX: Xod/Rebels DK, Hof/Rebels, MX/Rebels, Color/Phenomena Music: Chris Huelsbeck & Reflex/Rebels - Early Amiga scene like demo. - OpenGL required (hardcoded to run 1024x768 fullscreen). - Nothing fancy was mostly a step in learning OpenGL (GLScene). - Could probably have reduced size of the production significantly, maybe some other weekend. - My (MX/Rebels) last pc release was actually Rebels first PC production released in 1993. An intro named "Alive". - Old or agressive Anti-virus programs might find RbsGrs.exe infected because it's packed with a common exe-packer (unfortunately also used by viruses etc). - Released 20-july-2005.
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