Shapeshifter by Chrome
. ,. ., ; .dSb `$$$$$$$. .,,. .d .. `ø$b%c,cc. `bcc$ø` .t $' `$. .cbd$``""üü??$$$$$$$$üüüü$. `?b.d$$$$$$$$$L ?$$$: . .d$, ` ?$$$$$$$$ $$ ``"" $$$$âü ,. ?$$F` `ü `?$ $$$$ `"ü?S$$$$bccd$$$ `?; . $â $ $$ø . $F' d$F F ;â $$$$b. `, `?$â` .. `$. . ? t .$; .$ $: % .,d$F d: ? .$$$$$L b $ `$ `L : $ :$. `ü $ .atx ?$$$F ,$b%.J' $Sâü`?$ $ .$ ?. ?. ? $ J$ Jâüü?$$ % $$$: F `ø"â .. :â ' .,d$. `b :L :b $ $â .$' $: .lz .$$$$c,. .J J' ;' $ `$; $. $. $b $ccc$$b%c,. `? % ø` `"ü?S$$$$' .$ ? $ $$. .,c$$c%d$$b $ .c$$$$$L. `.97 `?â' ;$b. ` .$ `?$$âü`` ``ü$â``b$. .$âü`` `$. % `$$Sb%%%dS$$. ?. `$$$âü` ` . ,$ü` `?$c. .,cdü?b. $. ` `ø` ;$$$$$$â` ..â' J$; the shapeshifter . .' `?b,. .,c$$' :$$$$$$$$$$$$âø a 4 kb intro made by chrome. `ø` ``øü?$' ,J$. ``"øø"`"?. r e q u i r e m e n t s . this intro requires a pentium processor to run. due to realtime sound synthesis a p166 recommended. for sound output a gus is required with proper ultrasnd= variable. without soundcard the intro will not run ! sorry, no bytes left for workaround. also check the ammount of free memory before executing, because no error detection performed. 59o kb should be enough. be aware that the dma buffer is hardcoded to segment 8oooh so you must have that address free, no bytes left for allocation routine. if you do a clean boot with just himem installed everything should work properly. btw; the slowest cpu the intro was tested on was a 486dx4-1oo - everything was ok! c r e d i t s . net . all programming - 8o8 patterns atx . 3o3 patterns - general design enok . charset - design m e m b e r s . net . programmer ú mov eax,cr0 enok . graphics and design ú ez mvszet, nem fotoshop atx . music, pr, org ú 001/048 c-4 050 kci . modelling and design ú opacity map das . graphics ú art deluxe f a c t s . this intro uses realtime sound synthesis, like rebirth338 or rubberduck. three 24 dB psychoaccoustic lowpass filters generate the sound of the 3o3s and the 8o8. the 8o8 samples are precalculated at startup, using an algorithm based on a program called stomper. theese algorithms are part of our big project, the chrome-tracker. it will have the features like impulse tracker, plus realtime filters, equalizers, tb3o3 and a complete analogue modular synth emulation with dsp effects. of course it will require a very fast processor for realtime sound output, but it will render the tracks into wav files if you wish. a d d i t i o n a l s u p p o r t . ù atx for showing me te capabilities of a juno synth, it helped a lot in coding the realtime filters. ù enok for believing it is possible in 4kb. without his faith this intro would never have done. ù enok and atx for letting me [net] code on their computer. ù my friend csabi for lending me his 486 for final tests. ù the creators of rebirth. the sound of rebirth was the standard for me. w a r n i n g . including this intro on a profit oriented cdrom is forbidden without our written permission! 1286 Budapest, 8, Hungary email: home: made in Hungary. legjobb.
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