Greedy by Eclipse [web]
Greedy Version 1.10 ____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) Eclipse 1996-97 Shareware___________________________________________________________________ To obtain the complete version (60 levels) including a level editor : - Print or copy on a paper the file REGISTER.FRM. - Send it back with $25 US to this address : Marc RADERMACHER Les Rosetieres - Bat C 3 route de champagne 69130 ECULLY FRANCE Minimal hardware configuration required_____________________________________ - Personnal Computer with at least a 486 processor. - A SVGA card VESA compatible. - A sound card like Gravis UltraSound or SoundBlaster. - MS-DOS or Windows 95. Memory requirements_________________________________________________________ This game can run under this configurations : - Mode RAW without Himem. - Mode XMS with Himem. - Mode VCPI with EMS (Emm386 highscan). - Mode VCPI without EMS (Emm386 noems). - Mode DPMI with Windows 95. Information about the music_________________________________________________ The soundcard is automaticaly detected by the program. but you should declare correctly all these variables. - For the SoundBlaster : SET BLASTER = A220 I7 D1 T1 I I I ----> 1 = Sound Blaster I I I 2 = Sound Blaster Pro I I I 3 = Sound Blaster 2.0 I I I 4 = Sound Blaster 16 I I ------> DMA I ---------> Irq -------------> Port - For the Gravis UltraSound : SET ULTRASND = 220,1,1,7,7 I I ------> Irq I ----------> DMA -------------> Port The Keyboard________________________________________________________________ Menu - Space or Return : Validate a choice. - : Select. - + et - : Sound control. - S : Toggle speed : normal or crazy. - K : Toggle keyboard : old or normal. - ESC : Back to MS-Dos. Hall of fame - Space : Toggle scores : normal or custom. During game - Space : Use joker. - Ctrl : Use booster. - : Control the hero. - + et - : Sound control. - P : Pause. - ESC : Exit. Level editor - F1 : Build a wall. - F2 : Erase a wall. - F3 : Greedy start. - F4 : Ghosts start. - F5 : Options location. - F6 : SuperPacGums location. - F7 : Telepods location. - F8 : No PacGum on the floor. - F9 : Clear Level. - F10 : Total erasement (no PacGums). - F11 : Next Level. - F12 : Previous Level. - S : Save Level. - L : Load Level. - CTRL + F11 : Next Level.(fast). - CTRL + F12 : Previous Level (fast). - ESC : Play the level - Q : Exit level editor. Joined files________________________________________________________________ Greedy.exe The executable file. Crypt.dat Data for decrunch Greedy (complete version only). Greedy.doc French documention. This documentation. Register.Frm French registering form. Register.Us English registering form. Eclipse.nfo Eclipse informations. Updates_____________________________________________________________________ - Apr 26 1996 Version 0.40 First release at the Saturne Party 3. - July 17 1996 Version 1.05 Final release (bug fixed). - Dec 01 1996 Version 1.06 Version with Joystick. - Marc 05 1997 Version 1.07 Version with E.O.S 3.03. - June 25 1997 Version 1.08 Diamond player manual setup. - July 02 1997 Version 1.09 Bug fixed : Hiscore under Windows NT. - Sept 10 1997 Version 1.10 Bug fixed : Synchro under Windows 95. Players_____________________________________________________________________ - Don't forget to send us your hiscores file (Greedy.dat) and your custom tables (Greedy.cus), in order to create a special package. ____________________________________________________________________________
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