
Built in Obsolescence by Digital Chaos

                    - Digital Chaos (and friends) -
                         are bored to present

               B u i l t - i n   O b s o l e s c e n c e

                      a rubbish little multidemo

Welcome to the help file. The instructions are simple: copy all the files in
this folder to a hard disk, then run the file BIO.PRG   The demo is not very
memory-hungry, but try to keep as  much  free  for  it as possible. Also try
running it on a Falcon; it might  help operation considerably, since this is
a Falcon-only demo.

The demo is RGB only; however running  in  VGA  is allowed, but it will look
kind of silly, and won't  often  display  a  picture.  If you have any other
problems with operation  (i.e.  crashes)  then  it's  Tat's  fault  and he's
sorry.... but hard luck,  try  again.  People  who  are  desperate for a VGA
version should write to Tat and be very  nice  to him, and if he gets enough
he might think about doing one: it  shouldn't  be too hard, most of the demo
was written on VGA (ironic eh?)

Greets and credits in the end section, you sad people.

N.B. When copying _please_ copy all  files,  including text files. This demo
may be freely copied and  distributed  but  no  profit  can be made from it.
Alteration of any files  is  forbidden.  Copyright  holders mentioned in the
demo itself.  Also:- the authors cannot  be  held responsible for any damage
that may be incurred while  using  this  program  (cautious... but you never

Digital Chaos member list:

        Ray Donnelly (Dodge)
        E-mail: donnellr@cs.man.ac.uk

        Ben Sudgen (Ben)
        96 Rudgewick Drive
        Bury BL8 1YE
        E-mail: sugdenb@cs.man.ac.uk

        Steve Tattersall (Tat)         or:
        c/o Kegelhofstr. 43            6 Derwent Drive
        20251 Hamburg                  Littleborough, Lancs
        Germany (until July 94)        OL15 0BT England
        E-mail: sjt1002@hermes.cam.ac.uk

If you want to contact another  member,  just  contact  one of the above and
we'll relay the message for you.

Most members of DC are readily  insultable  on the IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
system, on channel #atari. And beware the Infinity-KicK function!


        Steve Tattersall, Hamburg, 31st December 1994
        - Happy New Year!