Grip by Solar [web]
________ _______ _ _______ _______ / _____/ / ___ \ | | / ___ \ | ___ \ / / | | | | | | | |___| | | |___| | \ \____ | | | | | | | ___ | | ___ | \____ \ | |___| | | |______ | | | | | | \ \ \ \ \_______/ |_______/ |_| |_| |_| \_\ ______\ \ Druid /_________/ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄ ù ú ù THE SOLAR GROUP ú * Infofile for the demo GRIP * þ-======- About Grip -======================================================== Well people, this demo didn't turn out to be as hypnotic or psychodelic as I first said it would be. This is because I have begun coding in Watcom, and have discovered techniques and effects not possible in Pascal. If you want a hypnotic demo, wait for the next party where I am! Druid. þ-======- System Requirements -=============================================== 486 DX2/66 (this is the utter minimum, most effects will crawl) Soundcard (16-bit preffered) Videocard (fast) Speakers (big) Dream Config: Pentium (II?) MMX 200+ (pentium II would be cewl for the 3D) BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG SPEAKERs + SubWoofer VR Glasses (won't work, but it looks cewl on your head) þ-======- Contacting The Solar Group -======================================== Should the need arise to contact us (when you're completely out of your mind/bored to death): E-Mail: The Solar Group: (bug reports too) Druid: Alchemist: King-Chin: IRC: channel #nlcoders, sometimes #coders Snail-Mail: The Solar Group Louis Saalbornlaan 63 3584 GA Utrecht The Netherlands þ-======- BIG Disclaimer -==================================================== This demo is not shareware, nor payware: it's free. You can ofcourse, send us a card, money, free tickets to the movies, or 'kisses from amsterdam', but YOU CANNOT: - SELL THIS DEMO TO PEOPLE. PEOPLE SHOULD NOT PAY MORE FOR THIS DEMO THAN THE ACCEPTED COSTS FOR DISK/CD-ROM (NOT EXCEEDING 5,- DUTCH GUILDERS) - BLOW YOUR COMPUTER UP AND BLAME US FOR WRITING A BUGGY DEMO! - PUKE/VOMIT/DIE DUE TO THIS DEMO. WARNING: PEOPLE WITH EPILEPTIC PROBLEMS CAN FEEL DIZZY/SICK AFTER/DURING THIS DEMO! (i'm serious) If you decide to mention parts of this demo (wether the visuals or the code), please remember to include the proper credits! --------þ Info file created by Druid. (C) 1998. úú
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