
Butterfly Thoughts by Traction [web]

Butterfly Thoughts - 

  A Traction production for the Breakpoint05 demo competition

Abstract:    "Oh yes, I know the three butterflies. The first 
	      one I like, he's always playful and he smiles a 
	      lot. The second one, I like him too even though 
	      he sometimes says weird things and I get a bit
              confused. But the third one I will not tell you
              about, because then he would be in your dreams 

Requirements: Windows, GF2 class graphics card, 256MB of RAM
              The code is pretty slow, so a good computer is
              recommended. Runs okayish on my 1,1GHz/256/GF3
People:       Martti "Preacher" Nurmikari - code, design
              Mikko "Vulture" Leppänen    - code
              Heikki "Disk0" Kuljukka     - graphics, design
              Erkka "Kofeiini" Pynnönen   - graphics, design
              Jukka "Grip" Älli           - music
Greetings:    (yet again they didn't fit in the demo)
              - Ananasmurska
              - Andromeda Software Development
              - CoolPhat
              - Conspiracy
              - Cubalid 7
              - deMarche
              - Faktory
              - Gluterol
              - MFX
              - NoID
              - Numedia Cyclops
              - Owli
              - Outbreak
              - Pouet.net
              - proMille deZign
              - Static
              - Tiks
              - Ümlaut Design
              - #coders
              - All our fans and friends around the world
              - Special greetings and thanks to the Conspiracy
                team for their support and encouragement.

Notes:        I never believed that this demo would be
              finished on time.. by the time of writing,
              it's almost two weeks to Breakpoint and the
              demo is already almost in release condition.. 
              just a few minor sync issues, and bugfixes. And 
              only two days ago it seemed so hopeless. 
              Too bad it's totally something else than it was
              supposed to be but I guess that's what always
              happens. And there's always the next time.              
              We hope you like it. If speaking in musical
              terms, it's the fourth album after the crucial
              third one, and you have no idea whether you've
              failed or produced a masterpiece.
               - Preacher

Hatemail:     Preacher - mnurmika@cc.hut.fi
              Vulture  - mikko.leppanen@stt.fi
              Disk0    - disk0@yahoo.com
              Kofeiini - erkka.pynnonen@gmail.com
              Grip     - grip@jippii.fi

End:          Thank you for watching. See you soon!