Euphoria by Throb [web]
1st at MindResourses'2001 E U P H O R I A 64K intro by THROB final version E U P H O R I A 64K intro by THROB 1st at MindResourses'2001 final version Code - SunmaN/THROB Music, Logo - Manwe/SandS Intro needs: DOS, SVGA, GUS or SB, Pentium, MMX not required Also intro supports fake truecolor videomode - needs VGA Run intro with -v in commandline to get video setup There are two versions - GUS only, and GUS&SB GUS&SB version needs file with music GUS version - doesn't Greets to: Aardbei Bytefall Coma Eternity Ind. Exceed Fudge Haujobb Looker House MFX NeonRay Orange Quad SandS Storm Studios Sunflower Suspend T-Rex TBL TransMission
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