Use it as an illusion by Useless
Useless proudly presents its Wired'96 demo... "Use it as an illusion" < INTRODUCING > This package contains files mainly written by a group of persons that gave himself Useless as a name. See the infofile for details. < DISCLAIMER > You may freely distribute and copy this package provided that no fee is charged and the distribution archive contains unmodified copies of the original files as produced by Useless. No part of any file may be modified, altered, reverse engeneerd, sold or distributed in any form whatsoever which would involve some sort of trade without prior written permission from Useless. You may add this package to a distribution CDROM provided you send us one copy of the CDROM. This package is provided as is, without warranty of any kind or fitness for particular purpose, either expressed or implied, all of are hereby explicitly disclaimed. In no way Useless can be made liable for any damages that are caused by this package. You are using this production at your own risk. All the trademarks quoted in this file or in any other files of this package are property of their owners. < TECHNICAL > The files in this package are designed to be run on a PC platform using Microsoft MS-DOS version 6 or better. We don't warranty anything using any other Operating Systems, especially windowed ones. Moreover, use of assembly language and protected mode require an Intel x486 processor or compatible ; use of special VGA compatible registers require a VGA fully register compatible graphic card, and use of VESA SVGA requires UNIVBE. < DETAILS > This package was mainly processed by human beings. Satanic coded the vector engine, the texture & gouro mapping, the tunnel, the 256k colors. Hornet coded the blur, the circle bitmap. FreddyV coded the sound system. Index coded the greetings. PSL composed and arranged the music theme. SFC et Xortianc designed, created, shadowed, and animated the sub oceanic 3D scene. < SORRY > This is quite common to say that we were late to finish. But, sorry for that, the party version is not synchronized with the music and ends 10 secs too late (yeah! music looping!) < BIG THANX > Ok then, it was the first party of Useless.... and we met some nice guys, like Phar and Roudoudou from Flower Corp (thanx for Bezier/BSpline support), HCl team who gave us a screen to try to finish off, and also Quick (Dazzle rulez!) Notice that every other group didn't want we use their unused & switched off monitor... Why all guys at parties keep playing network games and listening to shitty loud hardcore fucking techno? Why is Statix so good? < END OF FILE >
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