Hectic by Smash Designs [web]
H E C T I C by Smash Designs 1. Introduction 2. System Requirements 3. Greets 1. INTRODUCTION : This demo was coded in a HECTIC ! =) .... with some help by acryl of acme and scoopex ... no more info =D 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : not now no time ! =D 3. GREETS : Abyss,Acme,Advance,Aeon/RBI/DTN,Afl,Bomb,Cncd,Crest CTl,Cubic&$een,Haujobb,Hitmen,Imphobia,Jormas,Legend Design,Oxyron,Pulse,Purge,Scoopex,Tbl,The Obsessed Maniacs,Dubius,Feb
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