
Bugs From Outer Space by Impulse [web]

    ____                                      ______
   |   _|___  _____ ________    ______       /     /       ______________
   |  |     ||     |\_      \  /     /______/     /_______/__           /
   |  |            |  |_     \/     /      /     / \        /          /
_/\|  |    \  /    |  |/     /     /      /     /   \   ___/___ ______/  /\
   |  |    |\/|    | _/     /     /      /     /____ \____    /    /\FTR/  \_
   |  |    |  |            /            /     /     /    /   /____/_ \_/ 
   |  |____|  |      _____/\_____      /           /        /      /
   |___ |     |___ |__|        /      /\__________/________/______/
       \|         \|           \_____/
                          +               .
       .                                         +           .

           .       +        .                  .            +

                     .               +            .                .
   .             _____________________________________________         .
               __\__        \_                \              /
      *       |     |_      /                  \            /       *
             :|     |/     /   \___________     \     \____/_:      
  *---->   :::|     /     /|     |   /   ||     /\____      /:::   <----*
         :::::|     \     \|     |__/\   :'    /     /     /::::::
  +    :::::::|     |      \     |::::\       /           /:::::::::    +
      ::::::::|____ |______/____ |:FTR:\_____/___________/:::::::::::
                   \|           \|
                    '     .      '           .      +

* Title:          Bugs From Outer Space

* Version:        1.0

* Release date:   950417 (preview), 960616 (final version)  	
* Requirements:   Falcon030, 4Mb RAM, RGB monitor, harddisk. 
* Files:          \BFOS\BFOS.PRG          <-- The main program
                  \BFOS\BFOS.TXT          <-- This file, essential!                   
                  \BFOS\BFOS1.DAT         <-- Data files


The first version of this demo (a preview) was our tiny contribution 
to the demo competition at the Fried Bits III Eastern Coding Convention 
in Bremen, Germany during April 1995 (4th place of 5). 

This is version 1.0, the final one. It was released at the Nordic Atari 
Show -96 in Gothenburg, Sweden during June 1996. It won the demo 

The early Fried Bits rushed version was even worse, believe me! We had 
a mental hangover after the trip to Bremen, that's why it took some 
time to finish it. Due to various reasons this version wasn't released 
until the NAS. Send us your suggestions why and you may win a price.

This demo can be copied freely, but all files must remain unmodified!
If you tend to dislike it, do like those who like it and send us a 



Depack the files to your harddisk.
The main directory "BFOS" may be placed anywhere on your harddisk.
Note that modification of the files may prevent the demo from 



It may be launched from most resolutions. It's not entirely VGA 
compatible, sorry. It will require quite a lot of RAM, so preferably
reboot your system and hold down the Control key while booting. 
If you won't do this, the demo may halt while running. Trust me,
you don't want that.

Before the start there will be some text, and you have some options 
to deal with (hard, eh?). 
'S' toggles the internal monster on/off, 'M' turns off all sound in
the demo, 'D' will pipe an external signal to the sound output (just
connect a cable to the microphone socket and play your favourite
Vangelis compact disc). You may also control the volume with the
'+'/'-' keys on the numeric keyboard. This could be bad for your sound
equipment, if you're not careful enough.
If "Warning" is prompted, you can still run the program, but it
will probably look strange or crash in worst case. 
If "Error" is prompted, sorry - but you're finished here... (try
to get a life anyhow)

It will behave with Geneva etc.
Unfortunately it will not exit properly if NVDI is installed.

Some parts may be aborted by the SPACE bar (if you're really bored).



Longshot         (Reine Larsson)       Code, design, realtime bugs
Mandus           (Mandus Sk™n)         Graphics, design
Hattrick         (Mattias Bergman)     Graphics, design
Audax            (Mattias Slabanja)    Graphics, code
Groovemaster     (Johannes Norneby)    Music
Gandalf          (Mikael Andersson)    Graphics  
FTR              (Robert Faling)       ASCII-logos

bITmASTER of TCE (Steffen Scharfe)     Replay routine     

More detailed information is shown in the end part.

 How to contact us:
Email:    d4reine@dtek.chalmers.se       (Longshot)
          mandus@dada.ct.se              (Mandus)
Snail:    Mandus Sk™n  (Mandus)    or    Reine Larsson  (Longshot)             
          Stora Beddinge 387             Gategard 6975         
          S-231 98 Klagstorp             S-444 91 STEnungsund           
          SWEDEN                         SWEDEN
Phone:    +46-303-67758      (Longshot, 680x0 coder)
          +46-410-25213      (Mandus, graphics)
          +46-303-779086     (Hattrick, graphics, GFA coder)

URL:      Impulse homepage:  

          All our products and more can be downloaded from there. 

IRC:      Insult Longshot on channel #atari, it'll boost his bugrunning.

FTP:      Impulse FTP site:
          path: /pub/lars/impulse/


That's it. 
Stay cool - don't close the fridge.
Or get yourself a headache.
Try to find the hidden part with some funny pictures from FB3. :-)
(Hint: The word ain't "Joshua" nor "Trustno1", try walking in our shoes)

Thanks send to: Lance, bITmASTER of TCE, Johan Klockars, Alan Parker.


 Standard disclaimer: 

Impulse takes no responsibility whatsoever for any eventual major 
meltdown of your mental wellbeing or physical systems. We won't 
harm your DSP, but one never know with the other circuits...
If a bug occur, relax, have a cup of tea, lean back and read the title.
If you modify the files, then Fiskkompaniet will come and get you.                     
And it goes without saying, that the program does live up to its name 
for sure...

Whoa! We almost forgot... Bundestag!

                             ... and do always remember ...
                             ... the Bugs are out there ...
                                    ... somewhere ... 

                    -* BUGS FROM OUTER SPACE *-
                          I M P U L S E 
                           1995 - 1996

                        All bugs reserved.