
Cordic demo 1k - The Oxygene Ring Odyssey by Busysoft

:: Cordic demo 1k - The Oxygene Ring Odyssey ::

 Set of simple color effects based on color
 rings controlled by note pitch from the music

    Code: Busy soft
    Music: Noro soft
    Create: 13.03.2025
    Release: FOReVER:2025

    Original music: Oxygene IV
    Composed by: Jean Michel Jarre

 The processed concentric rings are drawed by using
 simplified CORDIC algoritm for computing vector size:

   Vector_size = SQR(X^2+Y^2)

  Input: C = coordinate X where X >= Y
         B = coordinate Y where Y >  0

         ld      a,c
     L1: sub     b
         jr      nc,L2
         inc     c
         add     c
     L2: djnz    L1

 Output: C = distance = SQR(X^2+Y^2)

 See older Cordic demos 8 to 256 bytes
 for more math theory and how it works.