
8volution3 by Busysoft & SinDiKat [web]

   _________.__       ________  .__ ____  __.  ________________
  /   _____/|__| ____ \______ \ |__|    |/ _| /  _  \__    ___/
  \_____  \ |  |/    \ |    |  \|  |      <  /  /_\  \|    |   
  /        \|  |   |  \|    `   \  |    |  \/    |    \    |   
 /_______  /|__|___|  /_______  /__|____|__ \____|__  /____|   
         \/         \/        \/           \/       \/         

      ----   8 V O L U T I O N  3  ----
      ----    Rise of the Medias   ----

   released at
             Forever 2025
                        15. march 2025

 1k intro for ZX-Spectrum 48 or 128/+2/+2A/+3
                    and all compatible clones

  2  0  2  5  .
          .  S  i  n  D  i  K  a  t

                 idea Noby
                 code Busy

 Some addtional remarks

 Intro uses 25 Hz color mixing to simulate more color.
 In case of non-synchronous displays (emulators...)
 there can occur some unpleasant flickering effects.

 To disable flickering, it is enough to disable 128k pagging
 before execute the intro (set 48 basic in 128k or use ZX 48k).

 If you have Gigascreen - please turn it on !