PONG_CRK by Overlanders [web]
__________________ _______ ________ ___________________ ____ __. \______ \_____ \ \ \ / _____/ \_ ___ \______ \ |/ _| | ___// | \ / | \/ \ ___ / \ \/| _/ < | | / | \/ | \ \_\ \ \ \___| | \ | \ |____| \_______ /\____|__ /\______ /____\______ /____|_ /____|__ \ \/ \/ \/_____/ \/ \/ \/ By Overlanders / The Union We dedicate this fake cracktro to Torsten -mOdmate- Keltsch. We'll miss you so much buddy. Special thanks to Tom for organizing this event. It brings a breath of fresh air and renewal. Kudos to all participants (^_^) =============================================================================== Released at: Fantasy Cracktro Showcase Release date: 14/03/2025 Fake cracktro credits: . Code: RATI & Janek . Music: Doclands . Pixels: Mic/Dune Pong credits: . Code & graphics: RATI & Janek . Sound driver: Ben . Sound fx: Jess Hardware requirements: . System: Atari ST or STe . RAM: 512 KB =============================================================================== $$ $$$$$ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$ .$$ $$$$$ $$. :$$ $$$$$ $$: $$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$ ,$$$ $$$$$ $$$. Be strong ! ,$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$. Be smart ! ,$$$$; $$$$$ :$$$$. Be ATARI ! ,$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$. ,$$$$$$' $$$$$ `$$$$$$. ,$$$$$$$' $$$$$ `$$$$$$$. ,s$$$$$$$' $$$$$ `$$$$$$$s. $$$$$$$$$' $$$$$ `$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$Y' $$$$$ `Y$$$$$
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