Dream Equation 2 - scientific paper by Floppy
short: "Dream Equation 2 - Scientific Paper" Demo. Floppy at SYMPHONY 2003. uploader: maq@panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl author: maq@panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl type: Demo/pc requires: not much F L O P P Y PRESENTS A DEMO PREPARED FOR SYMPHONY 2003 called "Dream Equation 2 - Scientific Paper" code, math and physics....MaQ (http://panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq) design....................MaQ, Lamia, Azzaro, Def gfx 2d....................Dzordan, Fame gfx 3d....................Dzordan, Ubik msx.......................Revisq and Pill ...floppy- you get what you deserve... note from coder: Hi, maq/floppy there. I would like to thanks Desab/Plastic and Bonzaj/Plastic for their help with music system and OpenGL textures loading procedures. Also it should be important than in the demo Perlin Noise generation procedure done by Ken Perlin has been used (see www.kenperlin.com). Also big thanks are flying to Dzordan for his support (duze dzieki!) and to my group member - Fame (mam nadzieje, ze nastepnym razem, bedzie wiecej czasu na wykorzystanie Twojej roboty, zrobilem co moglem). I na koniec: browar na Symphony 2004 dla tego, kto powie skad sie wzial zolwik w demie.
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