Just Musix 3 by Dead Hackers Society [web]
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No problems to report so far. We hope this will be the same with other speeders as well. If you have: doublesync problems with your VGA- monitor, you should run the supplied TSR patch-program for that. If you don't have this problem (or use RGB) you should absolutely not use it. There are: a few data-files among with the main .prg program. This is because we could not fit everything in 4 megs without loading the tunes from disk. The files cannot be renamed/moved to another position, the demo will refuse to start if so. The directory with Just Musix 3 should be as following: jm3.prg 274060 bytes jm3.txt 9979 bytes mods/frequent.gt2 383484 bytes mods/forbid.gt2 351042 bytes mods/xanthou.gt2 317292 bytes mods/summer.gt2 345106 bytes mods/sweet.gt2 319292 bytes We have included a doublesync patch- program for those with double-vbl problems. Do not use it if you don't suffer from this bug. Twinsync files are: twinsync/twinsync.prg 6487 bytes twinsync/twinsync.txt 314 bytes We would like to thank: CiH/MaggieTeam and Thomas/New Beat Dev. for testing the betas with Nemesis. A few notes: The Graoumf Tracker moduleplayer we are using here is very slow and a bit buggy. The soundquality however is quite perfect and up to day it's the most compatible player for many different multichannel format that we know of. Sometime the musicroutine can use nearly 90% of a standard Falcons CPU power. If you want to test the Graoumf Routines yourself you can find them at: ftp.ibp.fr /pub/atari/Falcon/Music in the Graoumf Tracker package there. It is not the latest demoversion of Graoumf, but it seems to be the only one with the mod- converter and replaysources included. We have worked on this: Anders Nilsson (Toodeloo) - Music Anders Eriksson (Evil) - Graphics and programming L. de Soras - Graoumf Tracker replay AXE/Delight - Pack ICE If you are: looking for greetings, look no further and start the demo instead. We think: that you should send us a note or two and tell us what you think about Just Musix 3. Positive or negative doesn't matter, it's always nice with feedback. You can reach us in the following ways: Snail mail: --------------------------------------- Anders Nilsson Anders Eriksson Gustavadolfsvagen 7a Lonnvagen 2 783 34 SATER 783 32 SATER SWEDEN SWEDEN E-Mail: --------------------------------------- Evil: ae@kuai.se Toodeloo: toodeloo@swipnet.se World Wide Web: --------------------------------------- http://coolness.home.ml.org http://toodeloo.home.ml.org Phone: --------------------------------------- DHS Bunker: +46-22551759 Perhaps: you should try 'q' & 'k' keys in Chippin' for air, and 'f' & '8' keys in Chippin' for air 2? And perhaps: there are more hidden files in this demo or in other DHS productions? We have assigned: many different keys for selections in Just Musix 3. You can control all from mainvolume to colours of the logotype. Here's a list of keys to use: General functions: --------------------------------------- F1 - F5: Select music 1 - 6: Select text to read Left shift: Pause backgrounf fx Right shift: Pause textwindow F10: Save a screenshot in .16b format. It can be viewed with either GemView or Rainbow Multimedia (.f16) Background fx control (numeric keypad): --------------------------------------- (: X move increase 7: X move decrease ): Y move increase 8: U move decrease /: Scroll increase 9: Scroll decrease *: Rotation increase -: rotation decrease Colour selections: --------------------------------------- Q - P: Background fx coloursets A - L: Logo coloursets Z - M: Textwindow font coloursets Audio control (numeric keypad): --------------------------------------- 4: Increase volume 1: Decrease volume 0: Pause/unpase music Please note that these schemes are for english/swedish/finnish and many other keyboard layouts, it might differ from other strange standards (eg. german, french). Some information: about the music you will hear in a short while. There are 5 tunes all in all, with an approx average size around 500 kilobytes each. Two tunes uses 16 channels (1&3), one tune has 12 channels (2), one has 4 channels (4) and there is one 8 channel tune (5). When you select a tune with more channels, it will show quite well on the framerate of the background fx. If you feel the background fx goes too slow and is doing nothing but annoy you, set X/Y movement and scroll/rot speed to minimum, and you will have a still image as background instead. We are now: done with this textfile. Stay tuned for the next DHS release - hopefully sometime 1997. See you next time, Anders * 2
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